I personally think if the people on both sides would discuss this stuff in a civil way, some people in the administration might actually read it and maybe even implement some of the suggestions. Instead of talking about what can happen to improve things, some of loudest voices on here spend more than half of their time pointing talking grade school smack at each other. I guess other fan boards are similar, but it IMO it really accomplishes nothing. I am sure that some members of the administration occasionally read this forum and maybe listen to RR, but if they are like me, as soon as the discussions devolve into "you suck- no you suck more" type of discourse, they close it off. Some of the people on here on both sides are stroking their respective egos more than trying to make a positive impact on anything. Now I am sure this message will bring out these people who will probably resort to name calling and that kind of stuff, but it is my opinion and I have heard the same thing offline from some other Ragin Cajun fans who I no longer see on this forum.