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Thread: RIP Don Allen

  1. Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I love Gerald too, but most of the time he has a pretty noticeable redneck accent.
    . . . his name is Broussard . . . surely it's not a REDNECK accent . . .

  2. #26

    Ragin' Cajuns Re: RIP Don Allen

    Another Legend gone. My condolences to his family. Rest in Peace, Don.

  3. #27

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    RIP. Definitely the voice I grew up with listening to the likes of Dion Brown and Graylin Warner, Alonza Allen, etc...

    Also remember their talk show where you could win a prize for stumping them on a trivia question... I won several cases of Pepsi! The back of the game programs were always a good source for me. LOL! Eventually, they figured it out! ;-)

  4. #28

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfanatic21 View Post
    Don passed away last night. Very sad news.

    He was the “Voice of the Cajuns” that I grew up with and to this day, the best basketball play by play guy I’ve heard.

    He was also excellent on football broadcasts, as well as the job he did as the track announcer at EVD.

    Rest in Peace Don. You’ll be missed.
    Don had been suffering for a number of years. Last time I spoke with him, might have been several years back he was in really poor health. God Bless Don!

  5. #29

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Rest in peace, Mr. Allen. Thanks for the memories of victory over TAMU 96’.

  6. #30

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    Rip Don. Don also was a member of this site and posted from time to time.

    I am thinking Eric Mouton and Bobby Neveau to take Jay's place.

  7. Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Ragin50 you were saying?

  8. Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    I certainly remember listening to Don Allen on the radio, with Jay being color.

    RIP Don - you definitely did Cajun Nation proud!

  9. #33

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    RIP Don

  10. #34

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Don was an old school reporter who didn't mind telling the administration when they needed to step up their game.

    For this he was (at times) treated persona non grata.

    For instance he, wrote a story near the end of the Baldwin era that the University could no longer get away with just announcing that season tickets were on sale, more was needed. They obviously didn’t listen and attendance has never recovered.

    He wrote a story on fan apathy (I will try to find it and post it)

    Before the internet and before easy to scour databases he was great at identifying pivotal moments in sports history.

    I thought he was (at times) condesending towards his color guys by not responding, but looking back he was there for one thing and they were there for another.

    I thought then and think now Don Allen was one of the best.

    He has been and will continue to be missed.
    Perfect, Turbine.

  11. #35

    Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Is there any audio vault material available to listen to Don Allen?

    If someone has these files, it would be nice to listen to his voice during some famous calls.

    Please post if you have them.

  12. Default Re: RIP Don Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by ULouisiana View Post
    Is there any audio vault material available to listen to Don Allen?

    If someone has these files, it would be nice to listen to his voice during some famous calls.

    Please post if you have them.
    I have one (don't recall the event) and have been desperately searching for it but I must have mislabeled it and have had no success finding it.

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