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Thread: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

  1. #73

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Wild talk.

  2. #74

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    They want to be Rice. They want a handful of controllable, well-to-do people, to pay all of the bills and keep the peace. Empty stadiums be damned. Now maybe people will start believing me when I say the admin hates the fans.
    Ironically I recall a time in the HS catholic league when most of the best players were the honor students and student council leaders.... i was a classmate of one good player who went to rice on an academic scholarship and became a doctor, but did not play sports there.... now those type of schools are accused of illegal recruiting and overall academic success of athletes dwindle. ... maybe those on rp that are against private schools are just as guilty as martin hall

  3. #75

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    For anyone that can't see the screen grab, here's the text:

    "UL has decided to strike again against Greek Life. Now that Family Weekend and Homecoming is over, they don't need Greeks anymore. UL has decided to place 3 Frats on Cease and Desist without any evidence and 1 Frat on Social Suspension for an entire year. These are also the largest frats on campus.

    With this being said, these chapters won't be allowed to go tailgate and members will not be allowed to attend the Football game to support our athletes.

    I would also like to clarify what happened the last time they decided to "shut down the Greeks" earlier on the semester. After Greeks made the news headlines, the university back tracked and said their intention wasn't to "not let us drink" , they just wanted to simply remind us about the rules. I can confirm this is false, because the Greek Dean went into the fraternity council meeting and said they were told by their hire ups to enforce all rules regarding drinking games. The way that I see this, is that their office started getting a whole bunch of calls and they decided to turn a blind eye.

    The way I see all of this, is that since they couldn't get their way early on the semester, they are trying to shut down all the fraternities with false allegations. Just seems crazy how 3 of the 8 frats (who also happen to be the largest) get hit with the same "allegations" the same week. The 1 frat that got on Social Suspension, was due to an "unregistered event" that happened BEFORE homecoming week. But they decide to sanction them now (nearly 3 weeks after homecoming week).

    Hope y'all could do some digging on this and help out the Greek community at UL."
    It’s more than 3. Currently on C and D are Lamda Chi, Sigma Pi, Sigma Nu, KA, and PIKE.

  4. #76

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Maybe the remaining 20% will do the trick. I mean, what else do we do at this point. These people literally don't give a damn. There's only one last option....the nuclear option. Everyone stay home.
    There should be a very public effort to boycott a specific game in 2024. Post it on Instagram, FB, etc... and tag the appropriate officials at UL. If there is enough smoke they will have no choice but to address it or look like bigger fools than they already do. The bad publicity of a fan base publicly boycotting a game due to incompetence from school officials is way worse than people silently not showing up to games.

  5. #77

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    I'm with Turbine and completely against any organized boycott of any UL sporting event. There's plenty of time between now and next fall to figure something out. I wasn't a Greek, so I'm not aware of the intricacies and whatnot...but what's stopping Frats and Sororities from buying private TG spots not run and patrolled by UL. Do fraternities and sororities get a stipend of funds from their parent orgs? Are Greek alums active donors to their respective fraternities/sororities? If so, use some of those funds for a private TG spot.

    I wouldn't want to be a student tailgating under the nose of UL/UP anyway.

  6. #78

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    I'm with Turbine and completely against any organized boycott of any UL sporting event. There's plenty of time between now and next fall to figure something out. I wasn't a Greek, so I'm not aware of the intricacies and whatnot...but what's stopping Frats and Sororities from buying private TG spots not run and patrolled by UL. Do fraternities and sororities get a stipend of funds from their parent orgs? Are Greek alums active donors to their respective fraternities/sororities? If so, use some of those funds for a private TG spot.

    I wouldn't want to be a student tailgating under the nose of UL/UP anyway.
    I respect your opinion but what exactly is the plan ".....between now and next fall to figure something out?" Nothing to date has been figured out so without a plan I'm not sure why anyone should expect anything different from the university.

    For change to happen there usually must be a catalyst to prompt it. Very few organizations are open to constructive criticism as part of continuous improvement. And that's because the work is never done, its continuously looking for ways to do things better. It's not the path of least resistance and it most definitely isn't the a path for the complacent.

  7. #79

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Don’t know if is coincidence, I read on BN&B months back they were experiencing the same deal with Greeks and tailgating. Couldn’t find Greek post, but I found this…

    They might have also discovered that Tech tailgating was at its apex before we kept cutting the parking lot off for gold tags that never showed at 8:30 AM! They might have also discovered that eliminating student tailgating in the park also eliminates students at the games. They might have also discovered that adding more restrictions to ticket sales doesn't actually increase ticket sales. On and on and on...
    What is BN&B?

  8. #80

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    There should be a very public effort to boycott a specific game in 2024. Post it on Instagram, FB, etc... and tag the appropriate officials at UL. If there is enough smoke they will have no choice but to address it or look like bigger fools than they already do. The bad publicity of a fan base publicly boycotting a game due to incompetence from school officials is way worse than people silently not showing up to games.
    Agree 100%
    I honestly feel until we publicly shame these people, nothing will change.

  9. #81

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    I'm with Turbine and completely against any organized boycott of any UL sporting event. There's plenty of time between now and next fall to figure something out. I wasn't a Greek, so I'm not aware of the intricacies and whatnot...but what's stopping Frats and Sororities from buying private TG spots not run and patrolled by UL. Do fraternities and sororities get a stipend of funds from their parent orgs? Are Greek alums active donors to their respective fraternities/sororities? If so, use some of those funds for a private TG spot.

    I wouldn't want to be a student tailgating under the nose of UL/UP anyway.
    So you think all of a sudden this admin is gonna get off its azz and actually do something? LoL! You have Stockholm syndrome. We saw what happened when there was a big uproar the last time they tried this crap with the students/Greeks. They had to backpeddle and actually do something. He have to put pressure on these clowns.

  10. #82

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    I'm ____ed. You're ____ed. Everybody is ____ed. I got so mad this Season that I had to retract 3 messages I dropped here on the RP. I even killed my monthly donation. Now that's bad. Any boycot idea will only hurt Louisiana more. I fully understand anyone wanting to go medieval but it will only hurt Louisiana more. Us becoming Cajun Mafia will not have a constructive end. The U knows there are no one at the games but at the same time there are smart moves being made by having incoming freshman enter the Swamp through the tunnel, taking photos on the field, having graduation ceremonies on the playing surface (all great ideas) but here is where things go crazy, fining students during games! No drinking games! Herd like cattle to the practice field and separate from Cajun Nation! WTH is going on! Demonizing the greeks! That's 50% of the damn student turnout.

    It doesn't make since. But any type of boycott will simply injure the Athletes who chose to come play ball for Louisiana. They'll be second guessing why they chose UL, and that's when the tide will turn.

    Just my take, as a Cajuns alum but more importantly a Fan.

  11. #83

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp View Post
    I'm ____ed. You're ____ed. Everybody is ____ed. I got so mad this Season that I had to retract 3 messages I dropped here on the RP. I even killed my monthly donation. Now that's bad. Any boycot idea will only hurt Louisiana more. I fully understand anyone wanting to go medieval but it will only hurt Louisiana more. Us becoming Cajun Mafia will not have a constructive end. The U knows there are no one at the games but at the same time there are smart moves being made by having incoming freshman enter the Swamp through the tunnel, taking photos on the field, having graduation ceremonies on the playing surface (all great ideas) but here is where things go crazy, fining students during games! No drinking games! Herd like cattle to the practice field and separate from Cajun Nation! WTH is going on! Demonizing the greeks! That's 50% of the damn student turnout.

    It doesn't make since. But any type of boycott will simply injure the Athletes who chose to come play ball for Louisiana. They'll be second guessing why they chose UL, and that's when the tide will turn.

    Just my take, as a Cajuns alum but more importantly a Fan.
    No offense but did anyone ever consider that perhaps the athletes are ____ed about the things Martin Hall is doing that hinders attendance at their games?!?!?! The attendance is already crap...terrible....pathetic.....miserable. So going from 7k in attendance to 1k, while shaming the administration to get off their ass and do better, for 1 game isn't the end of the world.

    It's crazy that as a fanbase this is what we have to resort to so the admins will listen to us. But what's even crazier is for us all to keep doing the same thing, proposing ideas on a message board that won't ever make it in the right hands and continuing to show up at games and giving the appearance that things are acceptable. No matter the situation it's all about controlling the narrative and the one that controls the narrative wins. Right now we (fans) aren't controlling the narrative, we are crowing in the background and the die hard fans are showing up religiously for more ____ sandwiches.

    One game of boycotting will go a LONG way with the proper message conveyed as to why there is a boycott. Anything less of a stance/message is just a hope and everyone knows hope isn't a strategy.

  12. #84

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    I'm with Turbine and completely against any organized boycott of any UL sporting event. There's plenty of time between now and next fall to figure something out. I wasn't a Greek, so I'm not aware of the intricacies and whatnot...but what's stopping Frats and Sororities from buying private TG spots not run and patrolled by UL. Do fraternities and sororities get a stipend of funds from their parent orgs? Are Greek alums active donors to their respective fraternities/sororities? If so, use some of those funds for a private TG spot.

    I wouldn't want to be a student tailgating under the nose of UL/UP anyway.
    I’m not saying one way or the other to boycott.

    A couple things though:
    1. I don’t think it should be up to the student organizations to come out of pocket for a different tailgating location just to not get harassed.
    2. This notion of fixing the student issues in the off-season has been a thing now for several years. Maggard and university officials have had meetings with student orgs. It isn’t working. Whether the blame lies with the university or athletics, I don’t know. My guess would be the university. A public statement of this failure is needed to hold their feet to the fire.

    I won’t judge the student orgs if they decide a boycott is in their best interest. The university clearly doesn’t have that in mind. They should look out for themselves.

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