With GDIs the university has no real leverage over. The Greeks are corralled figuratively and literally. The Greeks have different gatherings with their alums, opportunities to share experiences and goals etc. GDIs, generic at best.
I was a GDI, and had Greek and non Greek friends. Use to be a serious tailgater, one of the first RVs to grace CF (use to park in track/baseball parking lot). ALL our crew from back then except for myself have quit UL sports. Some were Greek, some were not. Reasons range from age/health to seeing the RCC was never going to deliver, just a money grab, to just not caring anymore.
How to get them back, honestly, you’re not, at least in numbers that matter. That is why it is imperative Maggard and the UL Alumni Association need to get T-Joe to take the boot off the neck of students.
All that is happening is they’re sending our younger students down the road where they can eat, drink, and if needed, puke in peace at a tailgate party. And making State fans. Same carp is happening in Ruston, with the same result.
Nm. Someone else addressed.
Greek life across the country is dwindling. Yes, UL's policies are accelerating the decline here, but its declining everywhere.
Uncomfortable truth: the Greek system as a whole is old and outdated, with fewer and fewer students wanting to participate each year.
I'm not saying the MH policies have been correct (they haven't been), but even if MH handled things differently, we'd probably be having the same conversation eventually.
If you read its not just one there are multiple that got the cease and desists all at once. I know one is on social suspension for a year because they had to many people in the house without registering it as a party. Everyone just kind of organically met at the house after a ball game and they got suspended for it.
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