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Thread: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

  1. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    It occurred to me T-Joe’s athletics is the front porch interview has been buried and forgotten next to YG’s plaque.

    The Greek issue and game day fleecing of tailgate spots keep taking people off the front porch.

  2. #158

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    It occurred to me T-Joe’s athletics is the front porch interview has been buried and forgotten next to YG’s plaque.

    The Greek issue and game day fleecing of tailgate spots keep taking people off the front porch.
    Where is the YG plaque buried at?

  3. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    That’s a new one.
    Derived from the words 'stagnation' and 'ignorance' the inability to figure out how to get moving in a desired direction due to not knowing which direction you are headed in.

    Stagnate, ignorant.


  4. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    Where is the YG plaque buried at?
    I’m not in the inner ring. But obviously it’s where every great thing UL has athletically goes to be forgotten intentionally.

  5. #161

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    I’m not in the inner ring. But obviously it’s where every great thing UL has athletically goes to be forgotten intentionally.
    I know where it is but sworn to not say.

  6. #162

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    I know where it is but sworn to not say.
    LOL. Perfect

  7. #163

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by UL_Cajuns View Post
    Ima former Greek and I understand, but it is what it is with the times. The constant _____ing and moaning doesn’t help. adapt. If you can’t change and adapt then you fall behind and miss out on things.
    You think this country is what it was 20 years ago? NO!
    Dude, do you even understand what's going on???? You do know it's not just the greeks, right? I don't think you do. Do you know we had this same upheaval when they had UP kicking students out the stadium earlier this year. Standing in the student section like gestapo, just waiting for someone to be a fan so they can boot them? Your kinda myopic on this whole issue.

  8. #164

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by zeppelincajun View Post
    What do you think we should do? You are ridiculing our students who are vocal saying they are _____ing and moaning. What about the other 16,500 who have silently not been showing up for their classmates? You say we should listen to their voice. Why aren’t you listening? They are using it even if you don’t hear it. Why isn’t the university changing and adapting?

    Maggard complained in an interview a few weeks back about our “negative” fans claiming they were doing more harm than good. That’s shortsighted. He is talking about the few people left who care enough to even bother. The rest of this community is checked out and on to other things. Why are they checked out? Does it have to do with us hiring an unqualified coach, zero promoting, ticketing issues, gameday operations failures, etc etc? Nope. It’s those pesky negative fans. You are basically throwing out the student version of this argument and it’s weak and tired.
    Fkn spot on Zep!!!

  9. #165

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by zeppelincajun View Post
    1. We have to stop self imposing a tether to the Baldwin era. It’s not fair to our current student athletes and fanbase to look at “bowl eligibility” seasons and say, “wow. We would have killed for this 20+ years ago” and act like that’s good enough. It’s not. The standard has been raised since then. We have people donating to RCAF, and they are being told those donations are an investment. Bowl eligibility was something to be excited about in 2005. It’s 2023. In your words, let’s change and adapt. Let’s recognize our new standard and let that be our metric of success.
    2. “Support your university.” I do. I buy season tickets. I give what I can to RCAF. However, this is NOT the pitch we should be making to the community. That implies this is a charity and people should attend/give out of the goodness of their hearts and because it’s the “right” thing to do. While we may have a few thousand left who do for that reason, it is no way to grow our BUSINESS. I’ll say it again: this is a business. Not a charity. Let’s act like it. Which brings me to point 3.
    3. Let’s run this thing like a business. You want to tell 18-21 year olds to change and adapt to the times? How about decision makers at this university? We are still using setups and pricing models for tailgating that were enacted in the Hud era. We are still acting like there is demand for the entire Cajun Field parking lot to be an RCAF lot despite the RCAF steadily scraping by at 2,000 members. If you run a business and you have 6 of your 30 tables seated and a customer complains that their dish is undercooked, do you scold them and tell them they are the reason your restaurant is empty? Why are we hellbent on turning away the few people left with an interest? Great student crowd to start last season and we corralled them in 2 sections and lined the sections with security like a pen. Closing game against Georgia Southern I took a pic of a security guard standing immediately behind the couple students we had on the rail just waiting to jump them for saying the wrong thing. What BUSINESS operates this way? None. It’s embarrassing.

    I’m not saying one way or the other if students should boycott. If they think it’s in their best interest, so be it. This university is not acting in the best interest of what little it has left in terms of athletic support. I’ll most likely never stop, but it’s exhausting to keep propping this thing up because “it’s the right thing to do” when the people who are actually in charge wanna cut the legs out anyway.
    I only wish I could've said it this well!

  10. #166

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    The Greeks represent a small percentage of the student population, but are the majority of students who actually attend games. They also set the tone for how rowdy and into the game the entire crowd is.

    But yeah, let’s keep trying to marginalize the purpose of Greek organizations on

    Edited. Responded to the wrong person. LoL. Maybe this tryptophan will calm me down a bit....or something else will. Happy Thanksgiving all you cajun knotheads! Love you all. Gobble gobble __'ers

  11. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    UL_Cajuns is being optimistic and I get it. We need all kinds to turn the titanic away from the iceberg. But Greeks absolutely drive the bus when it comes to engagement with Athletics. Not just here, but everywhere. Look at JMU and App St CollegeGameDay mornings. That was all lead by their Frats & Sororities. (Ragin Review was in touch with them leading up to the events)

    They are intentionally dulling the spearhead to keep the "riff raff" out of their events. This is not an opinion. It is their plan to reduce liability, control the handful of sources for funding and keep the crowds "profile friendly."

  12. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    I know where it is but sworn to not say.
    Of course, "of course" we understand.

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