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Thread: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

  1. #121

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Look forward to it? Dude you been on this board before? LoL! The list of demands is gone over ad nauseum over here.

    I look forward to hearing this board still _____ing and moaning about every said issue in that list of perpetuity. Enjoy the insanity.
    You can't call for an official boycott and justify it by saying, "idk, just read every complaint that has ever been said on RP."

    I don't want this to seem combative, but if y'all (you and Banana Hammock) are advocating for a boycott, the both of you should at least provide a concrete list of reasons that the powers that be can put some eyes on.

  2. #122

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    For anyone that can't see the screen grab, here's the text:

    "UL has decided to strike again against Greek Life. Now that Family Weekend and Homecoming is over, they don't need Greeks anymore. UL has decided to place 3 Frats on Cease and Desist without any evidence and 1 Frat on Social Suspension for an entire year. These are also the largest frats on campus.

    With this being said, these chapters won't be allowed to go tailgate and members will not be allowed to attend the Football game to support our athletes.

    I would also like to clarify what happened the last time they decided to "shut down the Greeks" earlier on the semester. After Greeks made the news headlines, the university back tracked and said their intention wasn't to "not let us drink" , they just wanted to simply remind us about the rules. I can confirm this is false, because the Greek Dean went into the fraternity council meeting and said they were told by their hire ups to enforce all rules regarding drinking games. The way that I see this, is that their office started getting a whole bunch of calls and they decided to turn a blind eye.

    The way I see all of this, is that since they couldn't get their way early on the semester, they are trying to shut down all the fraternities with false allegations. Just seems crazy how 3 of the 8 frats (who also happen to be the largest) get hit with the same "allegations" the same week. The 1 frat that got on Social Suspension, was due to an "unregistered event" that happened BEFORE homecoming week. But they decide to sanction them now (nearly 3 weeks after homecoming week).

    Hope y'all could do some digging on this and help out the Greek community at UL."
    At least the Greeks aren’t on double secret probation! I still remember when they stole the USM mascot. It never occurred to them that it’s a human in there and well that’s kidnapping!��

  3. #123

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Something about the Romans too and building a new stadium in one day instead of someday.

    It's all very confusing, Pompeii might be involved too because someone said theirs not enough pomp and circumstance at football games. I'll need to dig deeper on that one.
    We better be careful what we say around here. MH may claim defamation and veSUviUS.

  4. #124

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    We aren't specifically talking about just the greek system, they are probably less than 5% of total attendance at cajun field. Even if every greek student showed up to the games it's a very low number, it doesn't move the needle one iota.

    A very public boycott by EVERYONE is what is needed for 1 game next year to show the administration we are sick and tired of their crap. Their response, or lack thereof, will show you exactly how much they care about us fans. Some of you think the winds will change and all of a sudden UL will get out of their own way. It's never happened in the past and won't happen until they are forced to do so. No one opposed to a boycott yet has come up with a reasonable alternative that will work. News alert: ____ing and moaning on RP hasn't worked, silently not showing up for games hasn't worked, wanting to be chummy with UL admin hasn't worked, coming up with new ideas the admin "should do" hasn't worked.

    U really think at CF, only 5 of each 100 students are greek.

    That's that bulls$%^

  5. Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    We better be careful what we say around here. MH may claim defamation and veSUviUS.
    Ha, nice.

  6. #126

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    You can't call for an official boycott and justify it by saying, "idk, just read every complaint that has ever been said on RP."

    I don't want this to seem combative, but if y'all (you and Banana Hammock) are advocating for a boycott, the both of you should at least provide a concrete list of reasons that the powers that be can put some eyes on.
    Crazy this has to be regurgitated for you but here's a small snapshot:

    ____/nonexistent marketing.....botched head football coach hire....terrible in game experience....silent fundraising for stadium reno.....

  7. #127

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    You can't call for an official boycott and justify it by saying, "idk, just read every complaint that has ever been said on RP."

    I don't want this to seem combative, but if y'all (you and Banana Hammock) are advocating for a boycott, the both of you should at least provide a concrete list of reasons that the powers that be can put some eyes on.
    First of all, this is for next season. A coordinated effort could be put together very easily. The line of people that have attempted to meet with this administration is very long. It's very well documented here. Not sure where you've been. Just recently, (and they talked about it on Ragin Review) 2 former players put together such a list to bring to the admin. A detailed list and how to implement it. Guess what? The wouldn't even meet with them. Two former players/alums! Many people have tried. They don't want to hear it. They won't even give them the common courtesy to HEAR them. So I'm not sure why you're acting like there's nothing to bring to the table. If they opened that up, the line would be overwhelming. It's strange that someone like you who's been here forever hasn't seen that.

  8. #128

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by BananaHammock View Post
    Crazy this has to be regurgitated for you but here's a small snapshot:

    ____/nonexistent marketing.....botched head football coach hire....terrible in game experience....silent fundraising for stadium reno.....
    Idk how an organized boycott is any different than the abysmal attendance we've been having. I don't understand how that sends a message to the admin if they already don't care.

    But great start on the list, at least you have something concrete to begin to organize your boycott with.

  9. #129

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    First of all, this is for next season. A coordinated effort could be put together very easily. The line of people that have attempted to meet with this administration is very long. It's very well documented here. Not sure where you've been. Just recently, (and they talked about it on Ragin Review) 2 former players put together such a list to bring to the admin. A detailed list and how to implement it. Guess what? The wouldn't even meet with them. Two former players/alums! Many people have tried. They don't want to hear it. They won't even give them the common courtesy to HEAR them. So I'm not sure why you're acting like there's nothing to bring to the table. If they opened that up, the line would be overwhelming. It's strange that someone like you who's been here forever hasn't seen that.
    I didn't listen to the post-Troy RR episode where Terry and James called in. I have seen the issues on here over the years, hell I've even brought some up (specifically Ticketmaster fees years ago), but I think boycotting our boys is ridiculous. Could you imagine if y'all actually got some momentum and word got out to our players and programs that recruit against us? Lol.

    But I'm sure some of the people on here wouldn't mind because they are over the CMD era.

    Radio silence from athletic administration, not good...but we've got a new football stadium coming up. New digital ticket solution in the works. Athletics made 5-6 outbound ticket sales positions that we posted on here a few weeks ago. I think a lot of issues talked about on here are being addressed, but not all. But we're an athletic department operating in the red with only a $30 million budget. We're not like our peers you guys keep saying are getting it done that have larger budgets than us thanks to student fees that we can't impose.

    In game experience? Yea, I hope they have some ideas in mind beyond just a new facility.

    But you're gonna boycott football in light of all of that?

  10. #130

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Look bruh, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.

    If y'all boycott our football team, old paw paw gonna pull your toes while you sleeping.

  11. #131

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    The Greeks were not the cool cats when I was in College at UL. It was the non Greek student population at UL when I was in college. Greeks were bigger at ULM than at UL in the early 2000s from my experience. The general UL student population was way bigger than the Greeks.
    Don’t let the Greeks dictate this ____. Support the team.
    Speaking from experience at both colleges. Since when do the Greeks speak for the whole student population? Student population is way bigger than the Greeks. Don’t boycott ever. That’s some stupid ____.

  12. #132

    Default Re: UL's Assault on Greek Life Escalates

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    Look bruh, I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.

    If y'all boycott our football team, old paw paw gonna pull your toes while you sleeping.
    LoL! Baw let mawmaw find out you not boycotting! She gon' take a switch to ya lil @$$

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