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It’s clear you think this is some sort of joke, but I can assure you it isn’t. I saw you at the game Thursday, and you weren’t even wearing a hat. If you aren’t gonna embarrass yourself with classless attire in person, why embarrass our fanbase with it on your podcast? If you insist on wearing a hat, Kangol only from now on. Forward facing please. Show some f’ing respect. Baby Jesus didn’t kill Hitler so you could walk around looking like a clown. You aren’t Ken Griffey Jr.
And back to your podcast. I don’t care about the hours you put and the free promotion the program gets from it. It’s too negative. The next time we lose to a 2-7 team on national television check your attitude at the door. Talk about the positives. I had a lemonade at the game. It wasn’t half bad. The line to leave when the clock hit zero was almost nonexistent. I can only assume that was due to a world class effort by our event staff and had nothing to do with the empty stadium. The band’s performance of the greatest hits of 1947 was utterly rousing. There were so many positives, and you just searched out the couple of negatives (like the insignificant football game) in an effort to tear down the university. For shame Gary. For shame.