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Thread: Stadium Renderings

  1. #109

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    It will be interesting to see how season ticket prices change once the west side renovations are completed.
    I dropped my season tickets several years ago; just wasn’t feasible living in the San Antonio vicinity. I even held onto them longer than intended since I’d give them to family, unfortunately they just weren’t getting used. Regardless, mine were in the UD as well. Really enjoyed that vantage.
    If the only thing left there after renovation is club level seating, I’d certainly expect higher pricing/seat and most like a bump in RCAF $ as well.
    As for the remainder of the stadium there “should be” ample availability at various costs. Just for sake of conversation I looked online to see what Texas State was charging (comparable conference school). Saw a few different options for season tickets. Some with moderate ($155/seat) donation requirements (better seats not in club level), and declining costs for different areas. Around $150/seat (proffered seating) in their west tower, down to an $80/seat GA season ticket. Bottom line: decent options for pretty much any fan to attend.

  2. Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    . . . baseball grandstand ticket pricing remains very reasonable even after remodel . . . would expect the same for CF once it is done . . .

  3. #111

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    P.S. If our administration doesn’t engage and market the product effectively they won’t be able to sell $20 season ticket packages (NOT suggesting that as an option … for the reading comprehension impaired).

  4. #112

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxCajuns View Post
    is this one of those "i would love a new stadium with a bunch of upgrades to make the experience better, but i also want someone else to pay for it"
    No, this is one of those, inflation is up near 35% since the Hudspeth days. So $3k first time purchase for 1 seat is too expensive. Especially for a fan base that is already dwindling.

    But I guess they want Cajuns athletics to be like the polo club.

    The new stadium will be fantastic, I have no doubt about that. Especially coming from where we have been. But I have 3 boys, who are barely interested in athletics of any kind. So I will be glad that the option to purchase club seating is available, but for $1500 donation and then $1500 per seat. Well, let’s just say they ain’t getting $7500 out of me.

    Maybe buy some GA tickets at the gate.

  5. #113

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade but its just a rendering. It means nothing. I can get my granddaughter to draw a rendering of a stadium if that's what will get yall excited. After years of MH saying its coming and the history of USLing things don't get your hopes up this will happen anytime soon. Sorry to be a killjoy but get excited when there is actual demo, not from some rendering.

  6. #114

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade but its just a rendering. It means nothing. I can get my granddaughter to draw a rendering of a stadium if that's what will get yall excited. After years of MH saying its coming and the history of USLing things don't get your hopes up this will happen anytime soon. Sorry to be a killjoy but get excited when there is actual demo, not from some rendering.
    Nah, it's 100% happening. Starting end of this month.

    Now why we're still in the silent phase? I dunno, some reason I'm not privy to.

  7. #115

    UL Football Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade but its just a rendering. It means nothing. I can get my granddaughter to draw a rendering of a stadium if that's what will get yall excited. After years of MH saying its coming and the history of USLing things don't get your hopes up this will happen anytime soon. Sorry to be a killjoy but get excited when there is actual demo, not from some rendering.
    Hate to bust your bubble but these are the FINAL design renderings/elevations, whatever you want to call them. Demo beginning in 2 weeks with playing in the dirt shortly after.

  8. #116

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Hate to bust your bubble but these are the FINAL design renderings/elevations, whatever you want to call them. Demo beginning in 2 weeks with playing in the dirt shortly after.
    Look, I hope this happens more than anyone. I have been going to USL games since the 70s but i know how they USL everything to death. All i am saying is wait till you see actual demo before you get too ahead of yourselves.

  9. #117

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by BeauCajun View Post
    Hate to bust your bubble but these are the FINAL design renderings/elevations, whatever you want to call them. Demo beginning in 2 weeks with playing in the dirt shortly after.
    Stop raining on the parade sir!

  10. #118

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    Stop raining on the parade sir!
    Oh well. I tried. Guess it’s time to stop giving true info.

  11. #119

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    Look, I hope this happens more than anyone. I have been going to USL games since the 70s but i know how they USL everything to death. All i am saying is wait till you see actual demo before you get too ahead of yourselves.
    Listen hear sir this isn't lip service. Without telling you who BeauCajun is, listen to what the man is telling you. He is dealing in FACTS only. I have said it over and over on this site he is one of three guys on this subject that I would listen too. BeauCajun has been going to Cajun games in all sports, for a LONG TIME PROBABLY longer than anyone on this site and has been around numerous folks in the know.

  12. #120

    Default Re: Stadium Renderings

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cajunfan View Post
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade but its just a rendering. It means nothing. I can get my granddaughter to draw a rendering of a stadium if that's what will get yall excited. After years of MH saying its coming and the history of USLing things don't get your hopes up this will happen anytime soon. Sorry to be a killjoy but get excited when there is actual demo, not from some rendering.
    The pressbox area has already started to get cleaned out in preparation of imminent demolition. There were construction  sters out there all the last week and a half prior to Thursday’s game

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