When John Aiken came on Ragin Review, he mentioned how he wanted anyone as low as $10-$25 to show up to Krewe Allons events because you never know who will increase their donation or have someone sneak in and donate $10k. The gate should be open right now. We have no room to keep it closed. We are not Temple or Rice.
$1000+ donors build the seats
$10-$1,000 fill the seats
Right now, we are emptying the seats.
the getting out early is to clear the parking of student parking at cajun field for the state volleyball tournament and the game. Not for college students to go to the game.
The football game is mentioned but no mention of a half day.
Check of the football and main athletics Twitter accounts shows no mention of a half day for the game tonight.
I would not expect faculty/professors to provide any help with promoting athletics..
Twenty years ago I had one or two professors that would actively shame people for not going to the games, or give out bonus points for providing proof that you went. But for every one of those teachers, I had 4 or 5 that thought athletics were a waste of money and were beneath their supreme intellect.
I can only imagine how much worse that sentiment is these days
Face it guys we are bush league! To the game day atmosphere to the tailgate pre-game activities, from parkimg, to concessions, to marketing for football games .
Face it guys the truth hurts! I hate to say it because I love this University, and what it could become.
This is the original video announcing the half day. Mental health week is the focus. “The game” is mentioned. Nothing more. The game is not stated as a reason for the half day. Like someone else here posted I’m thinking the half day was more just to clear out the parking lot for the volleyball tournament. We are TERRIFIED of athletics and the attention that an emphasis on athletics brings. What if our pristine academic reputation is smudged?
You know what emphasis on athletics brings in south Louisiana?.... Money.
You think anyone walking into Academy to spend $100s on LSU gear stops to think -- "hey wait... is LSU an R1 Academic University!?"
If it's true that we cancelled classes in order to clear out the CF parking lot, then Martin Hall actually made an effort to HIDE that reason, and make up some horse s*** about mental health.
As MAT said -- every game that goes by proves to me that these people have no interest in bringing back the fans that used to pack the tailgate every Saturday. They want the Audubon Plantation / E'Lan crowd that throws money at the school as a tax write off and doesn't ask any questions
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