Playing off of your work -- fewer colors, simpler state outline..
These are good. I have messed with it countless times. Me personally needs to have some type of border to make it pop and stand out.
Also we have incorporated the FDL in all that we do, we have to go back and change all the FDL that we have on our current stuff.
Wonder how you got the top two helmets because you made them blend in nicely. Wish I can take the logos and put those with the top two helmets
search for football helmet
Yes ! You need some type
is symbol that represent the University. Can we put Louisiana on baseball caps, helmets, t-shirts etc.
Okay I don’t know how else to explain this. We have to have a symbol look at Oklahoma, Kentucky, Oklahoma State, Mississippi State, Arizona, Maryland etc.
They have a symbol that represents them. To come full circle we have to have a symbol to say who are.
Look at Oregon, they did the big O and that was a game changer, look at Illinois and Nevada. Are you following what I am putting down ?
Script Cajuns or just the Fluer de Lis.
Stop with the silliness of the state. Our damn jerseys say Louisiana across the chest. That’s all that needs to be done.
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