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Thread: Cajuns Script

  1. #313

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    Do you have a picture of their helmets?

    There's a reason why they call all of these uniforms "alternates"; it's because they don't ordinarily use the letter L.

    Okay well let’s alternatively use a symbol that represents us as Louisiana. The school 50 miles away can at least do that . They do a better job becoming Louisiana then we are !

  2. #314

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Okay well let’s alternatively use a symbol that represents us as Louisiana. The school 50 miles away can at least do that . They do a better job becoming Louisiana then we are !
    That’s fair. I think they just have a bigger market, so their branding reaches a wider audience.

  3. #315

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    That’s fair. I think they just have a bigger market, so their branding reaches a wider audience.
    Exactly !! Also i just showed how smaller colleges like Oregon,MSU, OSU etc when they were small used certain logos as there main logo.

    Now they use a letter or a symbol to represents who they are! So what makes them different on how they brand things vs. how we brand things? What has made them successful?

    We have to do those things now if we ever want the Louisiana brand to stick!

    Do I need to come up with more examples?

  4. Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    I'm not trying to lure you into a gotcha... just curious to see an example of what you're talking about
    "L" caps

  5. Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    I have no problem with someone wanting a brand. That's inherently a good thing, and every school embarks on certain levels of marketing. But the entire mindset underlying that post is almost unbelievable.

    1) "Owning" the word Louisiana. What are you going to do? Trademark the name of the state?
    That is a, slight misinterpretation of "owning."

    More like make it your own.

    Not monetarily of course, but organic ownership is more valuable than trademark ownership.

  6. Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    2) "LOUISIANA rather than UL." Is it truly a problem to identify as a university? Does the letter U detract that much from your identity?
    It's not the "U" its actually the UL combo.

    Louisiana can cover atletics, and academics.

    UL cannot be used for either.

    Since names and nicknames are always used in context, they rarely cause confusion.

  7. Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    I have no problem with someone wanting a brand. That's inherently a good thing, and every school embarks on certain levels of marketing. But the entire mindset underlying that post is almost unbelievable.

    1) "Owning" the word Louisiana. What are you going to do? Trademark the name of the state?

    2) "LOUISIANA rather than UL." Is it truly a problem to identify as a university? Does the letter U detract that much from your identity?

    3) "We have LSU on the run. They're making an effort to own what's ours, LOUISIANA." Last I checked, LSU calls themselves...LSU...not Louisiana. And if you think there's a vast difference between "UL" and "Louisiana," then you should also think there's a difference between "LSU" and "Louisiana."

    Can't you see something wrong with the notion that if UL wants to have self-confidence in its brand, it needs to effectively own the entire state, to chase out all other universities that might pose a branding threat, to distance themselves from the name of its own mascot, and to even avoid the letter U?
    . . . it’s just the opposite . . . we have no control over others, but should not shy away from who we are because La Tech has used the state silhouette and LSU is now trying to do the same . . . we need to now do the one thing that we have yet to do to complete our branding as Louisiana and that is develop a logo that says Louisiana . . . that is exactly what 9221 has proposed and has done a beautiful job with . . . now it’s time for Louisiana to complete its branding as Louisiana and move forward with this . . .

  8. #320

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . it’s just the opposite . . . we have no control over others, but should not shy away from who we are because La Tech has used the state silhouette and LSU is now trying to do the same . . . we need to now do the one thing that we have yet to do to complete our branding as Louisiana and that is develop a logo that says Louisiana . . . that is exactly what 9221 has proposed and has done a beautiful job with . . . now it’s time for Louisiana to complete its branding as Louisiana and move forward with this . . .
    Thankyou!! On all accounts I agree with this!

  9. Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by JAB View Post
    I 3) "We have LSU on the run. They're making an effort to own what's ours, LOUISIANA." Last I checked, LSU calls themselves...LSU...not Louisiana. And if you think there's a vast difference between "UL" and "Louisiana," then you should also think there's a difference between "LSU" and "Louisiana."
    You are correct on the lack of a vast difference, however there is, a, key difference...

    LSU is free to use LSU.

    Louisiana is not free to use UL.

  10. #322

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    We need to change our branding techniques! Great we can put Louisiana in the endzone, on Jersey etc., but if we can not come up with a symbol that represents Louisiana we are destined to never be known as Louisiana, and accepting our fate to being a small commuter college in south Louisiana.

    We should of stayed USL if we are not going to do the things that need to be done to own the state.
    what does the FDL represent ?

  11. #323

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    so when they break out throw back uniforms from what their logos were in the past it is great and we should adopt it, but when we do it we are giving up our branding efforts completely and knowing out place?

  12. #324

    Default Re: Cajuns Script

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Okay well let’s alternatively use a symbol that represents us as Louisiana. The school 50 miles away can at least do that . They do a better job becoming Louisiana then we are !
    you say this as we literally put the state on everything we put out, and put "LOUISIANA" all over everything. you are trying to actively say that "L" would be a better representation for louisiana than "Louisiana" or the state outline would be. think about that.

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