BrilliantThe best value option for buying tickets to the games (in any sport) is thru season tickets. You are basically bundling a season's worth of tickets to get a better price. The problem is, the age group they need to be targeting, just can't use season tickets anymore. Families with kids have dance, soccer, festivals, etc that keep them from going to every game.. So what do they do? They give those tickets away when they can't attend. So their seat is filled, but we haven't added anyone new to the stadium.
Why not take this 'bundling' concept to a single game approach?
Charge $200 for a tailgate spot and 8 tickets. It encourages people to invite people to their tailgate to spread the cost around and make it cheaper for everyone. Maybe you end up with 12 people at your TG, and they either buy or get their hands on some extra tickets.. That's 4 more people in the stadium. 12 popcorns, 12 sodas, 12 beers.. 6 kids spending all day playing with their friends in the parking lot, before going inside to play on the hill. 6 parents standing around in great weather, sipping beers, listening to music, running into people they haven't seen in forever.. Sounds eerily familiar to Festival *INSERT ANY NAME HERE* that they have no problem getting people to go to