. . . the only way to certainly avoid legal liability would be to go back to prohibition . . . oh, that seems to be the common thread in the actions taken by MH . . . however, with history, we all know how that worked . . .
. . . alcohol is in all of societies intrenched methods which forms the customs and usages for entertainment, especially in the South, especially in Louisiana and even more especially in Lafayette, Louisiana . . . a bar without alcohol is no bar at all, a restaurant without alcohol is no restaurant at all, a wedding reception without alcohol is no wedding reception at all, an engagement party with no alcohol is no engagement party at all, a good fundraiser or any fundraiser without alcohol is no fundraiser at all, a client entertainment function with no alcohol is no entertainment function at all . . . a tailgate with no alcohol is no tailgate at all . . . A Sorority or Frat party with no alcohol is no party at all . . . and before we know it, none of us will be allowed to drink at tailgates and sporting events . . .
. . . regarding the concept of legal liability . . . sorry but the standard is reasonableness, not prohibition . . . there is no reasonableness in the concept that all must be punished for the actions of the few . . . that is back to prohibition . . . if this will ever work again, it will have to go back to the way it was pre 90’s where the organizations who do a poor job of policing their own reasonableness get penalized and depending on the gravity of the infraction, even the death penalty for that organization . . . what is happening now is the death penalty for Louisiana future attendance without yet a violation . . . C’mon man . . .