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Thread: Why do we hate our students!!!

  1. #277

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    P.S. I'll take living outside the graces of this woke, inept administration; having my own thoughts, possessing critical thinking, and basic integrity, than to kiss the ring and lick the testes of your overlords like you do. Enjoy your rectal confinement bro. Pathetic.
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?

  2. #278

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    This came from a friend of mine.

    “My coworker is in a sorority and she just told me that the reason they said no drinking games at the tailgate this weekend is because it’s family weekend.
    When they were notified of this, the frats and sororities said fine, we’ll just hang out at our houses before the game. When the university got word of that, they were informed that this wasn’t allowed either this weekend.”

    So the university banned Greek House visits (that these Greeks pay for and live in) AFTER finding out that the Greeks would just go tailgate there instead with these “rules” being enforced.

    There’s no excuse for this foolishness.

  3. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?
    Oh.. My god.... "Won't someone please think of the childrennnnn!"


  4. #280

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    On the flip side. What's their motivation to change is the Greeks boycott the game? Student attendance hasn't been the greatest but it's been on the way up. Plus 90% of them leave at halftime. Game goes down to the wire and where's the energy? Oh yeah, it's at the bar instead of supporting the team.
    Student attendance hasn’t been great because it is deliberately sabotaged by this university. You want to know why we have a 30 year gap in our average aging fan base?

    You really can’t be this dense. This administration continues to poison the future well of donations. Once those older major donors are gone, there is no one to replace them because we failed to cultivate a fan base/donor group through students.

    It’s right out of the fossils handbook.

    No back to your shilling for the ineptitude of this administration.

  5. #281

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?

  6. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    . . . when your only supporter in a thread is JMV . . . you should rethink your position . . .

  7. #283

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?
    The "adult" thing to do would be for the university to leave the students alone. Every college with a football team has this type of liability. And I'm petty sure those schools aren't as nit picky and petty about enforcing their "rules" on the students whenever it's convenient for them.

    Pick and prod long enough, and we won't have a fan base in about 10-15 years because all of our future fans/donors will remember this stuff as their college experience and won't come back.

  8. #284

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?
    adult? moi thinks rational people can agree kicking kids out of their houses and taking away their regular tailgating routines with no reason or prior enforcement just because its family day is head scratching at worst and vindictive at best. my niece who is at ul right now is telling me the reason the greek houses will be guarded is when the notices were sent to the frats the frats told their leadership they would just stay home and play beer pong. the heidie woman responds with kicking the kids out of their houses for the day. now tell me who the adult here is

  9. #285

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . when your only supporter in a thread is JMV . . . you should rethink your position . . .
    hey oh

  10. #286

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    How am I shilling for the admin? Just summarizing what's going on from all the posts here and on social media. I never once said I agree with what they're doing, I've offered suggestions on how to get around it but nobody wants to hear that. Can't have it their way, so they take their ball and go home. Fact is...

    The take it or leave it approach….. that’s going to work well

  11. #287

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    C4L makes the best threads.

  12. #288

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Jumping to lots of conclusions there buddy. Maybe, just maybe, I'm looking at things from an adult perspective and seeing all sides. What side would you be on if a student dies from too much alcohol while playing beer pong at the fraternity house? Would you still be saying rules are stupid and the kid should have known better?
    Geezus Krist dude. Could you be more tone deaf??? If your wife keeps cheating on you, you just gonna tolerate it? If people with common sense around you are saying, "hey man, she keeps cheating on you, you should leave." Your response would be, " I either support my wife, or I dont!" Yeah bro......don't support it. And people die everyday. That's not a callous stance. It's having enough common sense to understand context. Are you gonna stop people from parking at the games because someone gets in a car wreck driving to and from the game? Are you gonna support banning alcohol sales at games? If not, what are you gonna do when someone dies in an alcohol related crash leaving the game? You still gonna say an alcohol ban is stupid? FFS dude. How are you this clueless?

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