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Thread: Why do we hate our students!!!

  1. #97

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    Twitter is blowing up with it
    The idiots at Martin Hall need to be exposed and properly embarrassed.

  2. #98

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    Glad the day turned out good for you. That game was a total gut punch.
    Haha. Yeah, the overtime game.

    I remember missing the first 3/4s of the game because I met this girl, and we were having a blast hanging out at the tailgate.

    Turned out okay for me in the end

  3. #99

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    That’s garbage. Who’s gonna police that? Like, is someone actually going to walk up and say “excuse me, it looks like you are playing a game, please stop. But if you want to keep drinking your beer in a normal fashion, ok.”

    Something seems off here.
    My son said they are going to have guards watching the frat houses. Keep in mind that is some kids residence. Was mine for 4 semesters.

  4. #100

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    1) They can drink but can’t play drinking games so they won’t show up? No offense but that’s a stupid excuse not to show up.

    2) Having said that, come up with new games that aren’t as obvious as beer pong. Be creative and show up.
    Typically they meet at their respective houses before walking over to the tailgates. Dates have mimosas...etc. The university is putting watch dogs at each house so they don't go in. Yes it is time to stand up.

  5. #101

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Tasso View Post
    Heidie Lindsey is the person. She is not to fond of fraternities and sororities.
    Not according to her.

    "Respectfully, you have the wrong person here. I didn’t make a new rule nor did i make the rules that exist." ~Response from her

  6. #102

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Typically they meet at their respective houses before walking over to the tailgates. Dates have mimosas...etc. The university is putting watch dogs at each house so they don't go in. Yes it is time to stand up.
    I get that part, my comments were about the tailgate area. Show up and play different "drinking games"

  7. #103

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    That is the short version.

    I do find it comical that you continuously defend idiotic decisions by the university.

  8. #104

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Dave Schultz and Lyndon Burton briefly touched on this a few minutes ago on the Sports Chat radio show. Dave asked if there was some kind of controversy involving Cajun students. Lyndon responded he is looking into it but he is hearing it involves access to Greek houses and adult beverages. I wonder if the social media uproar this is causing will cause decision makers to revise the policy.

  9. #105

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    I get that part, my comments were about the tailgate area. Show up and play different "drinking games"
    How exactly would you do that based off the communication they have given? Genuinely curious

  10. #106

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrybaldwin69 View Post
    It’s not just drinking games. They aren’t allowed to go to their own house at all during the day. This is the final straw in a long list of things the university does to screw over greek life. Something’s gotta change. If it’s a boycott then so be it
    Boycott and hopefully atlethletics gets p____ed and has a meeting with martin hall.

  11. #107

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajuns80 View Post
    How exactly would you do that based off the communication they have given? Genuinely curious
    Deck of cards, four people, each has a suit, flip a card, if it's your suit you drink. Flip a joker and all four drink. No need for a big table. Tell them your playing Go Fish if they question you.

  12. #108

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Once again the university is killing its future fan base! Fraternities and sororities have been told they are not allowed to have drinking games at the student tailgate.

    They are also not allowed to visit their fraternity/sorority houses on Saturday as well.

    I swear we are the worst at getting students involved. FFS can we get a university president who actually wants to grow the student participation and loyalty!!!

    Once again the Greeks will be a no show in protest to the university!

    We are the very best at creating new fans for LSU!
    Why in the world would you prevent them from going to their own houses?

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