During Buffalo's potential game tying drive last night, the PA announcer had to remind CF that this isn't a library. THAT'S the type of environment I'm going for, and I believe Martin Hall is in full agreement. Minus the loud, rude intrusion from the PA obviously. This is a library sir. Why else would I be sitting here with this copy of Pride and Prejudice sipping a cup of tea?
Martin Hall has NEVER been proactive. If they aren’t dragged through the coals by the fan base they don’t do anything.
The only thing that’s changed is Mark Hudspeth won and got the IPF built. Giving us a massive recruiting advantage in the region.
RCAF isn’t independent.
COA isn’t fully funded anymore.
Near zero NIL funding.
Fundraising positions in a hiring freeze.
Adversarial relationship with the student body.
I could go on and on. But you get the point.
We all know these issues. Many want to just complain about it but what does that change? RCAF probably will never be independent, we all know that. Where do you want to grow the money to fund COA? At the same time we’re asking people to donate funds to NIL. Fans wallets are being pulled in multiple directions right now. I’ve offered possible solutions but like always, a few just want to crap on any idea that goes against their “us against the Admin” ways.
I’ll extend the olive branch here because I know you do care. Where I disagree are some of your solutions is that they still go around the incompetence of the decisions the administration has made. For example, you said for students to tailgate on the west side. Well by then doing that, it’s unintentionally saying that the selective rule in place is justified. As far as the Greeks talking to Martin Hall, I do know that the right people are aware of the situation there so hopefully things can get settled before any of this foolishness escalates.
The fact is we never had to deal with these ticky tack selective rules when we were students. And we definitely didn’t have people in the administration selectively picking and choosing what rules to enforce on any given day when they felt like it. If we were students back then and had to deal with that, you and I both know we wouldn’t put up with it nor should the students that are there now.
The reason why people here and in the fan base get mad at MH about this kind of stuff is because it’s become a pattern. We are the customer, and our tax dollars fund their paychecks. If they’re not doing their jobs, we have a right as donors and taxpayers to speak up and tell them.
Hopefully, all of this gets settled because these are future alumni and donors we are messing with. If the administration keeps poking them, they’ll never come back years from now when we are calling them asking for donations.
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