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Thread: Why do we hate our students!!!

  1. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunEXPRESS View Post
    I believe the team won.
    We all won. Justice won.

  2. #494

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    alumni tailgating and other things," Duplantis said. "So we'll still have fun, still have a good time."
    News 10 tried multiple times to reach out to Heidie Lindsey, the associate dean of students/director of Student Engagement and Leadership, and did not receive a response.

    Respond please!

  3. #495

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Great job, boys!

  4. #496

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    I’m still not sure what happened here. You have the initial post that says no drinking games, nobody in the house on game day.

    Then this “article” (maybe more like a click bait blog post) by 107.9 saying none of that is true and it’s just rumors. Nothing has changed.

    Then MaT saying justice won.

    I’m all for pulling the pitchforks out in some circumstances. Was there a miscommunication? Where did the wires get crossed here?

  5. #497

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    I’m still not sure what happened here. You have the initial post that says no drinking games, nobody in the house on game day.

    Then this “article” (maybe more like a click bait blog post) by 107.9 saying none of that is true and it’s just rumors. Nothing has changed.

    Then MaT saying justice won.

    I’m all for pulling the pitchforks out in some circumstances. Was there a miscommunication? Where did the wires get crossed here?
    The brunt of it is that the university needs to do a better job communicating and enforcing their rules.

  6. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    The brunt of it is that the university needs to do a better job communicating and enforcing their rules.
    ….Well I got 2 wins tonight…..The Greek/Drink problem solved for now and we gots the MO…..the football reunion pre game day event went well tonight…….kinda got a chill seeing Coach Des and my recruit Roy Henry getting together……will have a lot more guys tomorrow for the pregame and game events! The stories were better and better……Slick Rick can tell some great/true ones!

  7. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    . . . all we do is win over here . . .

  8. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . all we do is win over here . . .

  9. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Not according to her.

    "Respectfully, you have the wrong person here. I didn’t make a new rule nor did i make the rules that exist." ~Response from her
    After reading the thread and the response there was definitly something unique at play here.

    Unfounded rumor: "new rule"

    Plausible deniability: I didn't make the old rule.

    The response was obviously an admission that something old was being made new again. She didn't touch on who was implementing it.

    Made me think of old laws in various states where the same argument could be made.

  10. #502

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Just get to the game students, alumni, Fans, Acadiana, Louisiana!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #503

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Maybe all this buzz and publicity will inspire more casual fans to show up tonight...

  12. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Once again the university is killing its future fan base! Fraternities and sororities have been told they are not allowed to have drinking games at the student tailgate.

    They are also not allowed to visit their fraternity/sorority houses on Saturday as well.

    I swear we are the worst at getting students involved. FFS can we get a university president who actually wants to grow the student participation and loyalty!!!

    Once again the Greeks will be a no show in protest to the university!

    We are the very best at creating new fans for LSU!
    . . . not too sure what was misleading, misunderstood or where there was any miscommunication in the opening post to this thread . . . looks pretty darn accurate to me . . . leave the students alone and let them create atmosphere at sporting events today and long into the future . . . what’s hard about this . . .

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