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Thread: Why do we hate our students!!!

  1. #397

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Solutions that have been brought up.

    Show up and drink at the student tailgate, just without beer pong.

    Show up and drink at the student tailgate with new drinking games that aren’t as obvious.

    Boycott the student tailgate and join spots on the west side of stadium.

    Boycott homecoming parade and yell like hell.

    Have Greek Alums approach Martin Hall

    Just to list a few
    The solutions here are solutions to get around the mess the university created. The problem is that the mess is still there in broad daylight, and the inconveniences still exist. The main solution would be to quit nit picking at the students and deciding to enforce rules whenever you feel like it.

  2. #398

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun55 View Post
    One step forward in our first home game (improvement on the gameday experience, great student turnout).......Hello 2 steps back.

  3. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by jaxmc1023 View Post
    Just like everything else.. in the name of safety, which is also pronounced liability.

    Look at McKinley Street.. Twenty years ago, 18-30 years olds didn't mention Lafayette without mentioning 'the strip'. People from BR would drive over here on Wednesday nights...

    Then a couple kids died, MADD hit the TV/newspaper circuit, and the university decreed that campus police would team up with city police to crack down on underage drinking on McKinley. By the time I graduated they had succeeded in turning it into a ghost town.

    The one thing that UL was famous for statewide, they patted themselves on the back for stomping it out
    . . . MADD was the first group I mentioned when this subject came up . . . do we really want a few Waco’s governing society morals and conduct . . .

  4. #400

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . father Chester and father Broussard are both realists . . . and the greatest of pastors . . .
    Amen to that! Fr Chester started at Wisdom when I was in school. And Fr Broussard is my son’s godfather. Both of those men are the best of the best.

  5. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Maggard finally speaks on Twitter
    "Students... you ARE the difference makers!! NEED you at Cajun Field Saturday night vs Buffalo"
    "$3 Popcorn, $3 drinks, $2 nattys, Free Tickets"

  6. #402

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    The solutions here are solutions to get around the mess the university created. The problem is that the mess is still there in broad daylight, and the inconveniences still exist. The main solution would be to quit nit picking at the students and deciding to enforce rules whenever you feel like it.
    And that's where the last solution I listed comes in. Do what Miss St did and the Greek Alums get with Dr Savoie about the issue.

  7. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    And that's where the last solution I listed comes in. Do what Miss St did and the Greek Alums get with Dr Savoie about the issue.
    They've already tried that dude. That's what you don't get. These people are not interested in dialogue with the Greeks.

  8. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by sunbeltsports View Post
    Maggard finally speaks on Twitter
    "Students... you ARE the difference makers!! NEED you at Cajun Field Saturday night vs Buffalo"
    "$3 Popcorn, $3 drinks, $2 nattys, Free Tickets"
    Unfortunately, Maggard has become part of the problem. Is what it is.

  9. #405

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Haha Maggard

    "Students are required to attend this game ...

    ....... where we will have $2 NATTYYYYYYSSS! #FamilyDay"

  10. #406

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . MADD was the first group I mentioned when this subject came up . . . do we really want a few Waco’s governing society morals and conduct . . .
    The crazy thing when looking at this situation and the topic of drunk driving is that this approach has the consequence of MORE drunk driving. Took away the place for them to play drinking games across the street from their home (no driving required). Took away the ability for them to drink at all at their home (no driving required). Instead they will now drive 50 miles of interstate to go drink and play games and most likely drive back. This is like taking away their condoms and saying, “HA! Gotcha. Bet you won’t f each other now.” News flash geniuses. They’re still gonna f.

  11. #407

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp View Post
    Wow, I'm off RP for a little while and all this goes down!

    They want war. Let's go to WAR.
    Yeah.....just like when the Germans bombed pearl harbor

  12. #408

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    They've already tried that dude. That's what you don't get. These people are not interested in dialogue with the Greeks.
    So try again, don't take no for answer. Isn't that your rallying cry for everything? Like I mentioned earlier, there's a political side to everything. I'm sure there's a few State Reps and Senators that are Greek Alums. See if they will help out.

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