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Thread: Why do we hate our students!!!

  1. #265

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tailgate_papi View Post
    To anyone’s knowledge, is this happening any where else around the US?
    It is no secret that UL really does not love Greek life, they have done everything possible to destroy it at UL. I know there is a delicate balance between college and Fraternities where universities have to be very careful not have issues and we have had some at UL already. But support for athletics comes from the Greeks on campus in a lot of ways. I'm not saying that they are the only students who go to the games, but the larger fraternities' and sororities on campus have close to 75 to 100 members. Very rarely can you get that type of group support quickly. You want to see the student side empty, continue to give the Greeks a reason not to come and that will happen. I know the university is only trying to protect itself, but the reality is they need to allow these guys to figure out how to do this while at the same time managing the damages/issues that could arise from Greek life partying.

    The university has killed fraternity row as a place for these kids to gather, not just on game day, but overall.

    I was in a fraternity at UL between 1988-1993 and we used our house as a place to gather, party and socialize. I have been a member of our alumni group since I returned to Lafayette, the house is mostly empty, they are no longer gathering at the houses for socialization.

    This is a problem and the more we force these large groups not to want to support our team.

  2. #266

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by tailgate_papi View Post
    To anyone’s knowledge, is this happening any where else around the US?
    I’m sure it is in some other places. Heck, from what’s being told, sounds like it was happening at MS State previously.

    But any university that is hurting to build a fan base and student support for athletic events should probably not be behaving this way.

    If Texas A&M or UT-Austin admins were to pass down such rules, it really wouldn’t matter for attendance and enthusiasm. Those programs are busting at the seams with support and gameday attendance from students and alumni.

    Us…not so much.

  3. #267

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Not saying don’t tailgate. Don’t do the student tailgate. Truthfully, all this “we can’t play beer pong so we won’t go to the game” is stupid. You either support the players or you don’t. Simple as that.
    Really? Yeah, let the administration have carte Blanche with these dumbass decisions and don't hold them accountable. Brilliant! It's a proven method to get them to change. Sorry, but youre wrong. They will never learn their lesson without a little pain. What's their motivation to change if there are no consequences? ZERO! Stop licking boots and open your eyes.

  4. #268

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    How's those interviews coming that you were bragging about? Hopefully you now realize that YOU were the reason no interviews were being granted. Your attitude and mouth are what help the podcast back.
    What kind of rent are they charging you to permanently live inside MartinHalls @hole?

  5. #269

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    How's those interviews coming that you were bragging about? Hopefully you now realize that YOU were the reason no interviews were being granted. Your attitude and mouth are what help the podcast back.
    P.S. I'll take living outside the graces of this woke, inept administration; having my own thoughts, possessing critical thinking, and basic integrity, than to kiss the ring and lick the testes of your overlords like you do. Enjoy your rectal confinement bro. Pathetic.

  6. #270

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Why would we want to continue supporting with our valuable time, energy, and money a University that continues to be its own worst enemy time and time again. This is seriously depressing as a long time supporter of UL athletics. We had a great student turnout for our first game and now this. We CANNOT afford these types of mistakes. The students and frats/sororities are your future alumni supporters and donors which we need more than ever.

    Congrats on killing the excitement and energy of Zeon Chriss's first start.

  7. #271

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Where is Dr. Maggard? Why hasn't he spoken out against this and made a public statement?

  8. #272

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cajun4life View Post
    Shilling for the admin on this is astounding.

    Another fans owe the program nonsense.
    How am I shilling for the admin? Just summarizing what's going on from all the posts here and on social media. I never once said I agree with what they're doing, I've offered suggestions on how to get around it but nobody wants to hear that. Can't have it their way, so they take their ball and go home. Fact is...


  9. #273

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Really? Yeah, let the administration have carte Blanche with these dumbass decisions and don't hold them accountable. Brilliant! It's a proven method to get them to change. Sorry, but youre wrong. They will never learn their lesson without a little pain. What's their motivation to change if there are no consequences? ZERO! Stop licking boots and open your eyes.
    On the flip side. What's their motivation to change is the Greeks boycott the game? Student attendance hasn't been the greatest but it's been on the way up. Plus 90% of them leave at halftime. Game goes down to the wire and where's the energy? Oh yeah, it's at the bar instead of supporting the team.

  10. Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Where is Dr. Maggard? Why hasn't he spoken out against this and made a public statement?
    Interesting, isn't it?

  11. #275

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Where is Dr. Maggard? Why hasn't he spoken out against this and made a public statement?
    Don't know, but it appears he has been under the thumb of MH more lately.

  12. #276

    Default Re: Why do we hate our students!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    It is no secret that UL really does not love Greek life, they have done everything possible to destroy it at UL. I know there is a delicate balance between college and Fraternities where universities have to be very careful not have issues and we have had some at UL already. But support for athletics comes from the Greeks on campus in a lot of ways. I'm not saying that they are the only students who go to the games, but the larger fraternities' and sororities on campus have close to 75 to 100 members. Very rarely can you get that type of group support quickly. You want to see the student side empty, continue to give the Greeks a reason not to come and that will happen. I know the university is only trying to protect itself, but the reality is they need to allow these guys to figure out how to do this while at the same time managing the damages/issues that could arise from Greek life partying.

    The university has killed fraternity row as a place for these kids to gather, not just on game day, but overall.

    I was in a fraternity at UL between 1988-1993 and we used our house as a place to gather, party and socialize. I have been a member of our alumni group since I returned to Lafayette, the house is mostly empty, they are no longer gathering at the houses for socialization.

    This is a problem and the more we force these large groups not to want to support our team.
    I don't have many or really any inside sources, but I do in this case. A good friend was big into the Greek community years ago and worked under the current leader of Student Affairs. My friend loves UL but got fed up with everything going on and the leader of this department and exited.

    The way they are managing Student Affairs, Engagement, and especially the Greeks, is directionless and apparently very vindictive. "We know better than you so we're doing it this way. If it doesn't work, it's not our fault, it's yours."

    Usually when stuff like this comes up and everyone is in a buzz, I try to take it with a grain of salt. But just talking to people who know about the way things used to work here and have worked at major universities, what this department has done to the university over the past decade under their current leadership is verifiably terrible.

    My one thing is please don't boycott. I know a point needs to be made, but can something else be done to prove it?

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