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Thread: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

  1. #25

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    What’s the big deal? Louisiana, I’m told isn’t the brand. I’m told Ragin Cajun’s is the brand.
    We have several brands associated: Ragin' Cajuns, UL, University of Louisiana, Vermilion & White, and others.

    I was a cheerleader, I certainly don't want to criticize the new coach. But the fight for 'University of Louisiana' began in 1980, and 'Louisiana' along with it. We fought hard for those brands.

    On the other hand, I have noted repeatedly that we simply don't need to worry about it. Even on the old boards I argued that once the national media started calling us 'Louisiana' and 'UL,' it would be game over.

    Well, we won that battle years ago, and every step we make forward just cements our identity further.

    Which is why the current in-state stuff is pettiness that will probably never go away.* We should ignore it and focus on the great things that are happening, and the things we can easily improve.

    *An interesting note however. My daughter went to summer camp in north Louisiana, one of her counselors goes to ULM... but she's a big UL fan. I like the fact that it shows we're making progress, but I would prefer that everyone be, as the Beach Boys advised, true to their school.

  2. #26

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunchuck View Post
    Is this something the cheerleading coach did on their own or were they instructed by higher ups to do this? Either way it is something that should not happen. WE ARE LOUISIANA! Promote it whenever and wherever you can.
    Her own.

  3. #27

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    The cheer team told her the shirt you are wearing has Louisiana on it. You can’t make this stuff up.
    Somebody needs to blow her email and Maggards email up. JMV has sent his.

  4. Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by MountainDew View Post
    I didn't have "fire the cheerleading coach" on the agenda for this Monday. But I'll go ahead and move it to the top of the list.
    . . . can we at least get a picture first so we can determine if she can be rehabilitated . . .

  5. Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    Somebody needs to blow her email and Maggards email up.
    . . . what about you . . .

  6. #30

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    We have several brands associated: Ragin' Cajuns, UL, University of Louisiana, Vermilion & White, and others.

    I was a cheerleader, I certainly don't want to criticize the new coach. But the fight for 'University of Louisiana' began in 1980, and 'Louisiana' along with it. We fought hard for those brands.

    On the other hand, I have noted repeatedly that we simply don't need to worry about it. Even on the old boards I argued that once the national media started calling us 'Louisiana' and 'UL,' it would be game over.

    Well, we won that battle years ago, and every step we make forward just cements our identity further.

    Which is why the current in-state stuff is becomes pettiness that will probably never go away.* We should ignore it and focus on the great things that are happening, and the things we can easily improve.

    *An interesting note however. My daughter went to summer camp in north Louisiana, one of her counselors goes to ULM... but she's a big UL fan. I like the fact that it shows we're making progress, but I would prefer that everyone be, as the Beach Boys advised, true to their school.
    He’s no fan of the university.

  7. #31

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . can we at least get a picture first so we can determine if she can be rehabilitated . . .

  8. #32

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Sounds like another one of those marketing blunders by someone not on the level to make those decisions!

  9. Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    I agree with Vic on this. Not that I do not trust KK, in fact, I am sure that he is accurate in his depiction of this story, but to go blowing up this lady's email without having all the facts does not solve anything. If this is, indeed, the case, then our email to her should be the official university stance on our athletic branding. And if this is indeed the case, it should be brought to Dr. Maggard's attention so that he can resolve this internally. No coach at UL should be telling the student athletes not to promote the UL and Louisiana brand. As long as we promote ourselves athletically as Louisiana and UL, the administration should hold each and every coach and student athlete and anyone else in the athletic department accountable.

  10. #34

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Sounds like a good Ragin Review podcast interview. Maybe we can educate Mrs. Voisin of our history and efforts.

    Funny that her husband's company is called Inspect Louisiana too. Does he inspect the whole state?!?!

  11. #35

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    I’m going to go out on a limb and say that this coach is wrong. I’m sure if it did go down just as described, it won’t take long for someone to educate her. Better it be those inside the university of she won’t listen to her own team.

  12. #36

    Default Re: No LOUISIANA for Cheer Team

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    Sounds like a good Ragin Review podcast interview. Maybe we can educate Mrs. Voisin of our history and efforts.

    Funny that her husband's company is called Inspect Louisiana too. Does he inspect the whole state?!?!
    RR guys aren't credentialed lol

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