It matters not when you are looking at expenses what the percentage of the budget goes to soft. We are strictly talking revenue streams and how to bring in money to remain relevant to NCAA Softball outside of the Sun Belt. Eventually they will find ways to maximize additional revenue streams at some point.
Total Athletic expenditures for 2022 was $38,364,254. Actual Revenue was $33,021,554 which is a shortfall of over $5.3M. The deficit was covered by a transfer from the UL foundation until RCAF raises the money to pay it back. State Law doesn't allow deficits, institutions have to cover all losses.
My understanding is Dr. Maggard was told he will have to keep expenditures around $32M to $33M this fiscal year. That number puts UL back at the bottom 3rd of the SBC again, just ahead of ULM and Ark St.
The State Audit doesn't specifically list it, Other Sports
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