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Thread: Solar

  1. Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    And your point? Wait until you have to change the battery in it, you could buy a civic and drive it 50,000 miles and break even the equivalent financially of what you did. If electric was worth it, the government wouldn’t have to subsidize it. They wouldn't give you a tax credit, bc it would be smart fiscally and everyone would do it…but it’s not so they have (we) have to subsidize the cost. That wall you plug it into isn’t run off the sun or wind either.
    Slow down with the wild talk, my point is "There are instances."

  2. #38

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    Solar farms are kinda dumb, but being off grid using solar IS smart. In fact, solar is way cooler than I ever thought.

    If every American could get his energy from domestic sources like solar that would be great. One day technology will safely allow us to have mini nuclear reactors in our backyards. This business of running wires all over the world to bring electricity into our houses is just plain dumb. Tanker trucks burning fuel to haul fuel to a "gas station" is so last century.

    I drive electric. My electricity is domestically sourced and generated by Louisiana natural gas. Keep it local, that's my thing. When I can afford it, solar panels are going on my roof. Don't want my energy coming from somewhere that finances terrorism. That puts our sons and daughters in harm's way. Hopefully, the next election brings us a president who understands the importance of energy independence. Drill,
    Well at least you embrace other forms of energy. I think.

  3. #39

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    And your point? Wait until you have to change the battery in it, you could buy a civic and drive it 50,000 miles and break even the equivalent financially of what you did. If electric was worth it, the government wouldn’t have to subsidize it. They wouldn't give you a tax credit, bc it would be smart fiscally and everyone would do it…but it’s not so they have (we) have to subsidize the cost. That wall you plug it into isn’t run off the sun or wind either.
    He told you what it cost him. You're making up battery replacement.

  4. #40

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    When it comes to solar and wind, power storage is application-specific. You need what you need. If your wife is perimenopausal, you will need a lot.
    LMAO!!! Damn I miss the Eaque Tree? Thats hilarious George.


  5. #41

    Default Re: Solar

    Lot of misinformation in this thread from people who are talking about things they've read about... but have not actually experienced. I have more experience with this technology than you do, I understand it, and I am satisfied with it. Don't Google it. Try it. Use it and learn.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Slow down with the wild talk, my point is "There are instances."
    But there really aren’t, if it was cheaper, better and easier the government wouldn’t have to convince people to do it. It’s not green and the energy it take to build electric and run then is still pursued by the sources people think they are avoiding. It’s a scam.

  7. #43

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Louisiana84 View Post
    Lot of misinformation in this thread from people who are talking about things they've read about... but have not actually experienced. I have more experience with this technology than you do, I understand it, and I am satisfied with it. Don't Google it. Try it. Use it and learn.
    I know the price of a Tesla powerwall, that doesn’t take some special knowledge. I can do simple math. $60k I’m just battery takes a lot if electric bills to get your money back. I’ve had camps off the power grid my whole life, I know plenty about powering a home without a utility company and have experimented with them all and nothing beats a generator when it comes to cost and reliability.

  8. #44

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by ultracajun View Post
    He told you what it cost him. You're making up battery replacement.
    Of course, do you not think electric vehicle batteries need replacement? They are half the value of the car

  9. Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    that is a terrible analogy, go buy an all electric box truck and compare your expenses. you could have bought a honda civic and did the same thing.
    By chance my eldest was looking at a hybrid Civic upon graduation years back. I did a simple analysis vs the IC model based on each’s MPG and the 8k premium for the hybrid (gas was over $2). Figure maintenance the same (no battery replacement involved). The end result, based solely on city driving, it would have taken ~600k miles to recoup the 8k premium, highway mileage was over 800k miles. Bought a Subi.

    Now you have to factor in battery replacement, insurance difference and soon homeowner’s insurance increase and state mileage tax. Don’t think those two items aren’t going unnoticed.

    Straight apples to apples.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Solar

    Some good friends of ours bought a Tesla a few years back. They own a gas vehicle, but pretty much never drive it now, even if it would just make more sense.

    We met them down in Corpus for a weekend, they were driving from Houston. They had to stop along the way to recharge. Took damn near an hour.

    We’re currently on the last day of a family trip where we drove up to Yellowstone, through Utah and New Mexico. No way would crap like an hour recharge during the trip have worked…then having to route your drive based on there actually being charging stations along the way.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajun90 View Post
    And that is the point. It works in some cases but not in all cases. Right now there are a lot of people who have been led to believe that electric vehicles and alternative energy can replace every fossil fueled system on the planet and it isn't anywhere close to being true. Niche markets.....

    The new Ford electric pickups are currently getting racked over the coals (pun intended) because they aren't coming close to performing as touted. If you want to look cute on your 10 mile commute to work and back they are great. Want to use it as a work truck like your old F150 and you are gonna be dissappointed.
    Just wait till you see what pulling a simple bass boat does to battery life.

    We all know how much of a pain in the azz trolling motors are. That Ford Lightning is a huge trolling motor.

  12. Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    But there really aren’t, if it was cheaper, better and easier the government wouldn’t have to convince people to do it. It’s not green and the energy it take to build electric and run then is still pursued by the sources people think they are avoiding. It’s a scam.
    I didn't use a subsidy

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