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Thread: Solar

  1. #1

    This is a GREAT IDEA Solar

    Prof Terry Chambers done good. I’m not sure we get this project without his foresight. Big help to our oil field losses.

  2. Default Re: Solar

    Love it

  3. #3

    Default Re: Solar

    “As we evaluated our options, Louisiana’s ability to deliver the talent we need stood out, thanks to its extensive workforce development initiatives and the presence of academic institutions such as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette which now features a world-class solar energy lab.”
    That's awesome

  4. #4

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Love it
    That news is very bright.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Solar

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    Prof Terry Chambers done good. I’m not sure we get this project without his foresight. Big help to our oil field losses.
    Chambers is the man. One of my favorites.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Solar

    Cool stuff.

  7. Default Re: Solar

    Hoping they can develop technology to make it affordable to low/mod income people since percentage wise energy is a major part of their budget.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Solar

    First thing some did in Iberia Parish was complain. Had to set a few people straight for them to shut up. Really good news and now people might understand why the new access roads to the air base are being built.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Solar

    I’m good with solar as long is it’s not solar farms being built on top of legit crop land and replacing food.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Solar

    Solar farms are kinda dumb, but being off grid using solar IS smart. In fact, solar is way cooler than I ever thought.

    If every American could get his energy from domestic sources like solar that would be great. One day technology will safely allow us to have mini nuclear reactors in our backyards. This business of running wires all over the world to bring electricity into our houses is just plain dumb. Tanker trucks burning fuel to haul fuel to a "gas station" is so last century.

    I drive electric. My electricity is domestically sourced and generated by Louisiana natural gas. Keep it local, that's my thing. When I can afford it, solar panels are going on my roof. Don't want my energy coming from somewhere that finances terrorism. That puts our sons and daughters in harm's way. Hopefully, the next election brings us a president who understands the importance of energy independence. Drill, baby, drill!

  11. Default Re: Solar

    I’ve seen up close and personal what severe weather (hurricane) can do to a solar farm. I’m sure there are pictures on line with tornado and hail damage out there.

    The concern I have is are the utility companies going to treat solar power producers like they now treat homeowners? Access and grid maintenance fees is the norm now.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Solar

    Awesome news as this will be US manufacturing utilizing primarily US sourced materials.

    Solar still has a ways to go as far as efficiency and we still haven't solved the storage issue. Today's panels have around a 25 yr. life expectancy with a 6-10 year pay back.
    I recently had a job that required removal of some old solar panels to conduct roof maintenance and the client wanted them reinstalled. They were at least 20 years old. I had him contact his electrical company and get the net metering info from them. Come to find out the panels were barely producing anymore. They went in the  ster instead of going back on the roof.

    Agree with Louisiana84 on independence and off grid. I believe solars current potential is much bigger in Africa/Central America and other non "first world" countries than almost anywhere else. Under developed areas can take advantage of solar right now. In many of these countries the power grids are completely unreliable and can often be used as a political pawn. Even without a storage system solar would be more reliable than many of these countries existing grids.

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