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Thread: Different Coaching styles and the need for TIME MACHINES

  1. #73

    Default Re: Next Friday could be a good day for the Cajuns

    McCullough for 3 years. Even survived Martin dining hall

  2. #74

    Default Re: Devron Williams

    Stokes B. It was crazy!

  3. Default Re: Next Friday could be a good day for the Cajuns

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . where did you get the 40 mile rule . . .
    This isn't the same rule, but it's related.

  4. Default Re: Next Friday could be a good day for the Cajuns

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . where did you get the 40 mile rule . . .
    Here is the rule.

    Scroll down to Choose Residents Hall and Meal Plan

  5. Default Re: Devron Williams

    . . . there are only 3723 beds offered on campus . . . I have a feeling that there are many exemptions granted . . .

  6. Default Re: Devron Williams

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . there are only 3723 beds offered on campus . . . I have a feeling that there are many exemptions granted . . .
    Oh, I'm sure you are right.

  7. Default Re: Devron Williams

    . . . I doubt seriously I would have successfully completed an accounting degree in three years had I resided in one of those . . .

  8. #80

    Default Re: Next Friday could be a good day for the Cajuns

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . been there, done that . . . saw the thousands that showed up at Cajun Field every day . . .
    That doesn't mean they live with parent(s)

  9. Default Re: Next Friday could be a good day for the Cajuns

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Every freshman from beyond 40 miles IN or out of State are required to "experience" dorm living.
    Is this a requirement of the university. That would seem so mid 20th century to me.

    I’m surprised that you posted that requirement. I’m more surprised it is a real thing.

  10. #82

    Default Re: Devron Williams

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . when your parents are putting you through college on a high school teachers salary, you live at home . . . or you load up on student debt which is not a very smart move . . . so please save the condescending attitude . . .
    Not sure if you are responding to me? But my father died my Sr year of high school. My mother was an educator also with five kids the youngest were 7,5, and 2. I and every one of her other kids payed every penny of their own room and board and spending money while in college. None lived at home. I worked every summer at the port of Iberia my average weeks were 6 to 6 Monday through Saturday. My biggest week ever was 96 hrs. I also worked 20 hrs a week for the transit department while in school. It is what my siblings and I did because we wanted to go to college and have a true college experience. I finished school with no debt at all.

    My kids pay every dime of their own living expenses, spending money, and dues for any organizations they might join in college as well.

    I am not trying to be condescending at all.

  11. Default Re: Devron Williams

    . . . congrats to you and each of your siblings . . . but you act like your way is the only way . . . it’s not . . . me and my parents chose to do it another way for different reasons and it worked out just fine for us . . . one of my kids, who went to Louisiana cost me very little as HE chose to live at home to get his Mechanical Engineering degree . . . the lion’s share of his co-students required a much longer time to complete their degrees because of their lack of self discipline while in school . . . those that lived at home generally faired much better and completed their degree on time . . . he worked summers in a career related job which is now affording him substantial opportunities for advancement at his current job . . . the other played sports away and got a great degree at the college he attended and will be starting a post graduate degree program in August also away from home . . . he is working this summer in a career related job and as a result will have a substantial advantage in his post degree program and that group is already courting him strongly for a permanent position when he completes his post degree . . . as long as I am capable, both will finish their education without any debt . . . so, there is more than one way to skin a cat . . . we just chose different paths and none of us competed a 13th year of high school . . .

  12. #84

    Default Re: Devron Williams

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Not sure if you are responding to me? But my father died my Sr year of high school. My mother was an educator also with five kids the youngest were 7,5, and 2. I and every one of her other kids payed every penny of their own room and board and spending money while in college. None lived at home. I worked every summer at the port of Iberia my average weeks were 6 to 6 Monday through Saturday. My biggest week ever was 96 hrs. I also worked 20 hrs a week for the transit department while in school. It is what my siblings and I did because we wanted to go to college and have a true college experience. I finished school with no debt at all.

    My kids pay every dime of their own living expenses, spending money, and dues for any organizations they might join in college as well.

    I am not trying to be condescending at all.
    Those kind of kids usually respond better in the real word versus kids that live off the parents.

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