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Thread: Mobile Tickets Only

  1. #121

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    From what I am hearing is some folks are going to be dropping season tickets in every sport because of this. This is the last thing UL needs dedicated season ticket holders to do.
    Sad yet not surprising when talking about some of our fans. Can’t tailgate where I want, have to pay to park, it’s too hot, too cold, there’s a chance of rain, I can watch from home, concession lines too long, and now……they switched to mobile ticketing.

  2. #122

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    Sad yet not surprising when talking about some of our fans. Can’t tailgate where I want, have to pay to park, it’s too hot, too cold, there’s a chance of rain, I can watch from home, concession lines too long, and now……they switched to mobile ticketing.
    I am not the one complaining. I just think this plan will back fire with our non fan base than is mostly older.

  3. Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    Sad yet not surprising when talking about some of our fans. Can’t tailgate where I want, have to pay to park, it’s too hot, too cold, there’s a chance of rain, I can watch from home, concession lines too long, and now……they switched to mobile ticketing. Jesus.
    It’s a valid concern.

  4. Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Not according to their website
    Corporate tickets are most definitely printed as the company I work for offers them. Last year and same for this year. I have already seen printed tickets for auburn and Florida games.

  5. #125

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    I read this is going to be for the athletic year. I will be curious to see how this works for baseball as many people in patio and loge suites split the tickets. For instance we have 12 tickets in our loge suite 4 guys get 2 each and one guy gets 4. Every year I divide the tickets into 12 stacks with all the games in each. With a mobile ticket will we be able to divide the entire season into 12 individual tickets and distribute before the season starts? I have never used a mobile ticket not sure how they work?

  6. Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Much of the issue with cellular connectivity falls on the shoulders of AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and other cellular providers. Network coverage/capacity in the city/parish of Lafayette is lacking. There are areas in the parish and city where coverage is extremely poor. The providers haven't kept up with the growth in the Lafayette metro. Now consider this, you have the daily average of people accessing the cellular network for data purposes, plus the individuals at Cajun Field using cellular data for tickets and who may be using cellular data to stream music for their tailgate, and you have problems. There is only so much cellular data bandwidth to go around and when you reach capacity you get the issues we have.

    Deploying a Wi-Fi network across the athletic complex for ticketing access may be an option. In addition, partnerships with the cellular providers to increase capacity in the area would be an avenue to explore.

  7. Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    I read this is going to be for the athletic year. I will be curious to see how this works for baseball as many people in patio and loge suites split the tickets. For instance we have 12 tickets in our loge suite 4 guys get 2 each and one guy gets 4. Every year I divide the tickets into 12 stacks with all the games in each. With a mobile ticket will we be able to divide the entire season into 12 individual tickets and distribute before the season starts? I have never used a mobile ticket not sure how they work?
    Who knows, they actually become RCAF members.

  8. #128

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    It's classic Ready, FIRE, Aim at it's best...even if the WIFi issue is fixed, these various issues will remain...This school must love creating issues to run off far, they've been very successful...

  9. #129

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    My only question is why? What does the university gain by doing this?

    The only thing I can figure is it will make life much easier for the box office. The whole process of printing, processing and mailing thousands of season tickets will go away. And that's cool. But why not at least give people the option? Charge them an extra $10 or $20 for paper tickets. Doing this will incentivize everyone to switch to mobile, and more than cover the costs for printing and mailing the tickets, and not frustrate or dissuade your loyal season ticket holders from buying season tickets.

    I personally love having the option for mobile tickets, but I know a few older season ticket holders who will be highly reluctant to get on board with it. One doesn't have a computer or smartphone. These are the type of people who still insist on mailing out 20 checks every month to pay bills even though autopay has been available for decades now.

    There will absolutely be fans who drop their season tickets because of this new policy. I hope the administration understands this and is at least willing to be flexible and accommodate them.

  10. #130

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    Sad yet not surprising when talking about some of our fans. Can’t tailgate where I want, have to pay to park, it’s too hot, too cold, there’s a chance of rain, I can watch from home, concession lines too long, and now……they switched to mobile ticketing.
    You can complain about this all you want, but everything you mentioned here is a legitimate inconvenience or barrier to attending a game. No matter what stadium you go to, if the weather sucks, fewer people will show up. If the product costs too much money, fewer people will show up. And yes, mobile ticketing will also create a legitimate inconvenience or barrier for a small but loyal portion of our fan base.

    UL is in the entertainment business. If our goal is to grow attendance, we have to 1. focus on providing a great game day experience, and 2 remove as many barriers to attendance as we reasonably can. Many of those barriers are things we can't control (like weather,) but we can sure as heck print out tickets.

  11. #131

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRebel View Post
    You can complain about this all you want, but everything you mentioned here is a legitimate inconvenience or barrier to attending a game. No matter what stadium you go to, if the weather sucks, fewer people will show up. If the product costs too much money, fewer people will show up. And yes, mobile ticketing will also create a legitimate inconvenience or barrier for a small but loyal portion of our fan base.

    UL is in the entertainment business. If our goal is to grow attendance, we have to 1. focus on providing a great game day experience, and 2 remove as many barriers to attendance as we reasonably can. Many of those barriers are things we can't control (like weather,) but we can sure as heck print out tickets.
    Granted. But if mobile ticketing is final straw for some people, you kind of just have shake your head. If it’s not that, then it’ll be something else relatively benign.

    Yes, the things we can control have to improve. Dr. M has been vocal about that. But, it’s mobile ticketing. It’s 2023. Trying to get a paper ticket in advance of any event from a baseball game to a concert, is getting more difficult.

    I hope the admin manages this well and there are no issues. Have a plan to accommodate the minority that will have issues with this. But you can’t stop natural progress with the times because a small group might be inconvenienced.

  12. #132

    Default Re: Mobile Tickets Only

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginScotsman View Post
    Granted. But if mobile ticketing is final straw for some people, you kind of just have shake your head. If it’s not that, then it’ll be something else relatively benign.

    Yes, the things we can control have to improve. Dr. M has been vocal about that. But, it’s mobile ticketing. It’s 2023. Trying to get a paper ticket in advance of any event from a baseball game to a concert, is getting more difficult.

    I hope the admin manages this well and there are no issues. Have a plan to accommodate the minority that will have issues with this. But you can’t stop natural progress with the times because a small group might be inconvenienced.
    The problem is they will not have a plan B when the plan doesn't work. Eg Scanners, Connectivity Issues, Splitting tickets between groups. They will ____ this up, just watch.

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