It’s not us that starts it. Go on their message boards when we beat them. They all create these fake narratives about our fans celebrating like we won the World Series, hanging banners, and claim how we can just end the season that night because our goals have all been fulfilled….from a Tuesday Night game. It’s the same reason why Ragin Review created that parade video and posted fake t-shirts. It was a response to their goofy narrative. And then, some of them STILL thought we actually printed shirts and threw a parade without realizing that we were mocking their claims.
No matter how much they deny it and no matter what they say about how our fans react to beating them, they HATE losing to us. Hate it.
I assumed there was no way a semi intelligent person could have thought that the parade a tee shirts were legit and not satire. Not sure if it’s funny or sad that so many of their fans and even their media guys (camo hat included) ACTUALLY believe it was real. Still. Like 3 months after the video and it’s been commented on time and time again.
It’s a joke meant to make fun of you and it actually gets funnier because the marks can’t help themselves by proving the satire to be true.
There's a reason fans of every other team in the SEC hate LSU fans... And when they meet LOUISIANA fans they're shocked to find out that we are nothing like LSU fans.
No, not just you. I always wondered why a person would want to give their support and allegiance to a school who thought they weren't good enough to be a student or athlete of their school. Case in point. Ruffino played football at SLU and I can only assume graduated there. TSAB obviously didn't enough of Ruffino to offer him an academic or athletic scholarship. Yet he professes his dying love for the purple and yellow.
Speaking of fake narratives, a really funny one that I often see online is how Cajun fans are bandwagon Alabama fans and get decked out in Alabama gear at times. I've honestly never seen that. Ever. It seems like underlying insecurities to me
Ruffino was trying to play on that fake narrative by asking MAT why he wasn't criticizing Amos's recent transfer there
Also amusing and somewhat concerning to me is that this clown works in some capacity at the governor's office.
OK I am listening.
First thing: 'Rough' thinks that "because" Louisiana State University Agricultural & Mechanical College ONLY uses the first letter of the first three words in their full name ... that University of Louisiana at Lafayette is somehow obligated to use the first three words as well.
OK that's ULa not ULL.
Besides that, he ignores that dozens of Univerities only use the leading letter of the first TWO words.
Louisiana is, not obligated to follow LSU's course of branding.
I don't hear Rough yelling, I do hear him as a forceful talker.
I'm at the point where Rough is claiming "generosity" as the reason for LSU scheduling below G5 schools. Funniest excuse I have ever heard on this evasive topic.
So far, considering the atmosphere, Josh is coming across as super cool in my book.
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