It all started with the F Trump video. Hudspeth and Administration doubled down on it, alienating 90% of the bandwagon base. They will not show back up, unless the atmosphere resembles a fricken block party every game day.
The administration should have developed all university property surrounding the athletic complex into an entertainment district. Bringing people into the area on game days.
Allow parking inside the fences on game day without a parking pass. Charge $10 for the grass and $15 for the pavement.
Stadium renovation HAS TO INCLUDE bars in both end zones. Just like this one.
Increase the Greek organizations and revitalize fraternity row. Allow each organization to grow dependent upon their involvement in university affairs specifically Cajun Athletics.
Implement a loyalty foundation fee to graduating students. $300 split 50/50 between the UL Foundation earmarked for their respective college and the RCAF. Build a thorough alumni database through this system.
Finally, Promote! Promote! Promote!