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Thread: Conference scoreboards

  1. Default Conference scoreboards

    ….Just wondering if all the conference schools have us as Louisiana…..also what schools still put an extra L …..think some still do as a hate type thing!

  2. Default Re: Conference scoreboards

    There's "at the game" scoreboards and virtual scoreboards online.

    For virtual scoreboards the only time to tell is away games since away teams get a force feed of what the host team puts up.

    It is up to LA to be crystal clear on what is acceptable BEFORE the away game starts. ... and not right before it starts.

  3. Default Re: Conference scoreboards

    . . . criminals don’t follow the law . . .

  4. #4

    Default Re: Conference scoreboards


    Quote Originally Posted by Boomer View Post
    ….Just wondering if all the conference schools have us as Louisiana…..also what schools still put an extra L …..think some still do as a hate type thing!
    Pretty sure all use Louisiana except for the hoax.

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