I have to feel they are pretty confident that they are going to get that invite. P12 is in real trouble unless they do something quickly, similar to the Big 12, who had to do something as well. There is a very good chance the P12 gets picked again and SDSU makes logical sense because of the market and their overall success, but most importantly because they pick up the area that the P12 has already lost in Southern California. I wouldn't at all be surprised if another MWC team looks to make the jump as well, although I would not be surprised to see the Aztecs in the B12 either. Either way, the P12 could be in a world of hurt, which also means the MWC could be in a world of hurt as well.
The question becomes who does the MWC and P12 go after, with all of the trickle down effects happening after that. The reality is that the everyone will be jockeying for positions including some members of CDOA, do not be surprised if more established teams in the CDOA like WKU, Middle, La Tech and even NMSU make a push to find themselves as a logical team for the MWC, even though with the exception of NMSU none of them make sense, but I could see a situation where all of them want out of the CDOA. And of course, everyone in the MWC would be a target for the B12 and P12.
5h1t is gonna get crazy.
All I can say is that at least the SBC is pretty solid right now and makes geographical and logical sense as a conference, but one small change could disrupt everything in the Belt as well. If one team, decides to bolt, I could see all hell breaking loose.