Fans only like coming when the students are saddled with fees . . .
I don’t believe we have to go that extreme so quickly.
If we base our fees on base of 15k undergrads…add $250 a semester for athletics, that’s $3.75 mil per semester in fees towards athletics.
Without counting summer or winter sessions, that’s $7.5 mil per year to add to athletic budget.
That jumps up to 5th in SBC.
If they would even start there and add that every other year the fee goes up 5-10%. That fee would increase over time without further approval needed thus yielding more revenue for future (inflation)
It would also not shock students by seeing an additional $1-2k added per semester.
With that being said, Louisiana college students are spoiled to low cost of tuition.
My wife is from Minnesota, and It cost her LESS to attend UL with out of state than it would be for her to attend Univ of Minnesota which was 20 min drive from her home…she was SHOCKED to find out that high school kids graduate with basically a slam dunk of a scholarship with TOPS…even if it doesn’t pay full tuition, finishing highs school to earn a scholarship without having to apply for one is a slam dunk deal no matter how you cut it
Students will benefit tremendously from a small increase in student fees for athletics. It’s necessary to maintain status quo with conference peers and possibly grow.
One sentence is not the same as the other . . .
First off, they are supporting themselves as student athletes. Secondly and it’s been stated previously, the marketing value of the degree will increase with athletic success. Thirdly, they will gain entertainment value and university pride from sports. I am sure others can think of many more ways the students will benefit from increased financial support of athletics.
If you really feel strongly about that, then assess yourself today the fees you believe you should have paid when you went to school here and automatically increase the value of your diploma . . .
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