UL faired well in this session. Of course, almost everyone else did also. Legislatures were spending one time money like drunken sailors. A lot of funding is in Priority 5 so we'll have to see if makes it through future sessions. Also, HB1/2 may be overspent so bond commission may have something to say. Here is what UL was allocated (apologize for lack of formatting):
2 (464) DeClouet Hall Renovation, Planning and Construction
3 (Lafayette)
4 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
5 Priority 1 $ 500,000
6 Priority 5 $ 5,500,000
7 Total $ 6,000,000
8 (668) Foster Hall Renovation, Planning and Construction
9 (Lafayette)
10 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
11 Priority 1 $ 444,173
12 Priority 5 $ 4,000,000
13 Total $ 4,444,173
14 (669) Madison Hall Renovation, Planning and Construction
15 (Lafayette)
16 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
17 Priority 1 $ 8,000,000
18 Priority 5 $ 14,000,000
19 Total $ 22,000,000
20 (670) Engineering Classroom Building, Planning and
21 Construction
22 (Lafayette)
23 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
24 Priority 1 $ 7,084,465
25 Priority 5 $ 47,866,573
26 Total $ 54,951,038
27 (877) Kinesiology, Hospitality Management, and Athletic
28 Administration Complex, Engineering, Stabilization,
29 Equipment, Planning and Construction
30 (Lafayette)
31 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
32 Priority 1 $ 15,000,000
33 Priority 5 $ 22,000,000
34 Total $ 37,000,000
35 (1079) Health Care Education and Training Facility and
36 UL/LSU Health Science Education Collaboration
37 Building, Planning, and Construction
38 (Lafayette)
39 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
40 Priority 1 $ 13,249,968
41 Priority 5 $ 62,500,000
42 Total $ 75,749,968
43 (1817) Sciences Lab/Classroom Building,
44 Planning and Construction
45 (Lafayette)
46 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
47 Priority 5 $ 47,750,000
48 Payable from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 1,250,000
49 Total $ 49,000,000
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1 (1818) Billeaud Hall Renovation,
2 Planning and Construction
3 (Lafayette)
4 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
5 Priority 5 $ 29,500,000
6 Payable from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 500,000
7 Total $ 30,000,000
8 (1819) Montgomery Hall Renovation,
9 Planning and Construction
10 (Lafayette)
11 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
12 Priority 5 $ 21,500,000
13 Payable from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 500,000
14 Total $ 22,000,000
15 (1820) Learning Lab, Planning and Construction
16 (Lafayette)
17 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
18 Priority 5 $ 42,000,000
19 Payable from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 2,000,000
20 Total $ 44,000,000
21 (1821) Property Acquisition
22 (Lafayette)
23 Payable from the Capital Outlay Savings Fund $ 2,000,000
24 (1863) Performing Arts Center Complex, Planning
25 and Construction
26 (Lafayette)
27 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
28 Priority 5 $ 74,000,000
29 Payable from State General Fund (Direct) $ 1,000,000
30 Total $ 75,000,000
and it actually gets better. NIRC is not listed specifically under UL for allocations:
28 (353) NIRC BSL-3 Lab and Animal Housing, Planning and
29 Construction
30 (Iberia)
31 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
32 Priority 1 $ 10,600,000
33 Priority 5 $ 10,000,000
34 Total $ 20,600,000
35 (1169) NIRC Iberia BioInnovation Accelerator GMP CDMO
36 Planning and Construction
37 (Iberia)
38 Payable from General Obligation Bonds
39 Priority 1 $ 14,400,000
40 Priority 5 $ 39,000,000
41 Total $ 53,400,000