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Thread: Let's Review

  1. #16

    Default Re: Let's Review

    I really don’t understand why some on here even follow this program. It seems to make them so unhappy. There are always things that can be better and healthy debate on ways to improve. But some on here are just so relentlessly negative, I don’t get what if any joy they get out of their fandom. Post what you want, whatever, I just don’t get it.

  2. #17

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by CharlieK View Post
    I really don’t understand why some on here even follow this program. It seems to make them so unhappy. There are always things that can be better and healthy debate on ways to improve. But some on here are just so relentlessly negative, I don’t get what if any joy they get out of their fandom. Post what you want, whatever, I just don’t get it.
    Exactly what’s been on my mind the entire baseball season. And last year too for that matter.

    If following a team makes you SO aggravated/unhappy/embarrassed, etc, then why are you even paying attention?

    It’s obvious in the threads. The certain group has nothing to say during wins and 8 pages of bashing and criticism for losses.

    Well actually, they gripe about a lot of wins too. Opponent was terrible, should have won by more, the coach is stupid, players should be left in the city where they made a mistake, and on and on.

    I just don’t get the personality trait that makes folks feel the need to publicly and relentlessly bash something they are supposedly a supporter of. It’s mind boggling.

    Disclaimer: this IS NOT about the fans that make observations about things they don’t agree with. That’s perfectly normal. So don’t get offended if my post doesn’t pertain to you. The ones it’s referring to know who they are. And I’m not bashing them, I’m just making an observation that I think it’s weird as hell to be so emotional about something you obviously don’t even like.

  3. #18

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    That is horrific. I am so sorry, for your family, and for everyone who has ever seen what no one should see.

    Which is millions and millions of people, even today. As you note, and as State's 1st president is remembered for saying, "War is hell." I spent years researching this stuff in depth while I was working on my book. I suspect that the only reason it didn't break me was because all my years in the ER taught me how to compartmentalize.

    But I have to keep the vault locked & barred to this day.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. #19

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfanatic21 View Post
    Exactly what’s been on my mind the entire baseball season. And last year too for that matter.

    If following a team makes you SO aggravated/unhappy/embarrassed, etc, then why are you even paying attention?

    It’s obvious in the threads. The certain group has nothing to say during wins and 8 pages of bashing and criticism for losses.

    Well actually, they gripe about a lot of wins too. Opponent was terrible, should have won by more, the coach is stupid, players should be left in the city where they made a mistake, and on and on.

    I just don’t get the personality trait that makes folks feel the need to publicly and relentlessly bash something they are supposedly a supporter of. It’s mind boggling.

    Disclaimer: this IS NOT about the fans that make observations about things they don’t agree with. That’s perfectly normal. So don’t get offended if my post doesn’t pertain to you. The ones it’s referring to know who they are. And I’m not bashing them, I’m just making an observation that I think it’s weird as hell to be so emotional about something you obviously don’t even like.
    I, too, wonder about these things.

    I would encourage each of us to look at UL, and the Cajuns teams, as family. Because I love UL. win, lose, draw.

    And I don't see that everywhere. I see too many 'supporters' of schools and teams who have no real love, no real commitment. Because real love is a commitment, a commitment we don't abandon.

    Love based on how one feels at the moment, isn't really love. It's infatuation, it's looking for someone else to validate us. We should be validating our kids, our students, and our student-athletes.

    Not vice versa.

    Yes, I suffer and get frustrated when we lose.

    But those are my kids out there. And I hope they're yours, too. Support them like you would your own kids. (Which makes me worry about all of our fair-weather fans: Do they treat their own kids the same way? I hope not.)

    I support most of the coaches, as well, but I admit I have a criteria there: are they teaching our kids character?

    For me, a critical part of character, and what I love about so many of our coaches, is: You don't back down from anyone, anywhere, any time. You may lose, but do not play afraid.

    And don't dodge the tough opponent. The coaches who frustrate me are those who won't schedule the best they can find; or, those who schedule them, and then act scared. And by poor example, make the kids play scared.

    I can take it if my kids lose. But I don't take it well if the coach is convincing them, even subconsciously, that they can't compete with anyone.

    Because that's what I want for my own kids, too. Don't be afraid to try. Don't be afraid to lose.

    And never, ever, play afraid.

  5. Default Re: Let's Review

    “Real love” also comes with the obligation to have tough conversations and shine light in dark places. There is a sect of our fanbase (and Administration) who are often times too quick to sweep things under the rug and sunshine pump. We will never achieve up to our potential with that attitude.

    Yes, we’ve certainly improved in many ways over the last 2 decades. And yes, we fall woefully short of an acceptable standard in many ways. Both things can be true. I have no problem with people acknowledging our triumphs, as long as it doesn’t come at the expense of addressing our weaknesses.

  6. #21

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Weaknesses can be addressed without vitriol. Especially towards the players.

    The coaches are getting paid to do a job, and contrary to a lot of what has been said about them all season each of the last 2 years, they are doing it well. But they know that some of that stuff, while usually completely uninformed and mostly ridiculous, comes with the job.

    Players are a different story. This isn’t football or basketball. Most of these players, if not all of them, are paying to represent UL on the field.

  7. Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfanatic21 View Post
    Weaknesses can be addressed without vitriol. Especially towards the players.

    The coaches are getting paid to do a job, and contrary to a lot of what has been said about them all season each of the last 2 years, they are doing it well. But they know that some of that stuff, while usually completely uninformed and mostly ridiculous, comes with the job.

    Players are a different story. This isn’t football or basketball. Most of these players, if not all of them, are paying to represent UL on the field.
    And the overwhelming majority of our baseball and softball fanbases do not go after players.

  8. #23

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    And the overwhelming majority of our baseball and softball fanbases do not go after players.
    Hence the disclaimer in my original post about it.

  9. #24

    Default Re: Let's Review

    I'll bite.

    I very rarely come to this site during games just to see what folks are talking about. It's usually because something happened and I want to discuss. So, when things are going well, I don't really have a need to come here. I also don't believe in saying "great job team, you did everything you were supposed to" on a message board as often as some of you would like. I have posted it several times throughout the season but will not come here and congratulate the team on every victory. I'm also bit of a baseball purist and Deggs style of coaching is not very conducive to that. There's a reason he's getting paid and I'm on a message board, but I don't have to like everything he does. I'm going to mention it every single time because I believe that there's a reason that many baseball strategies have stood the test of time. The biggest pet peeve of mine, though, and likely the biggest reason that I lean to the negative side and get into arguments is that there are some that will claim to be Robe "disciples" (for lack of better term) but will go out of their way to justify things that Tony would be rolling in his grave over. A couple examples, pitching staff management and poor baserunning (both by players and coaches). Saying Deggs is the man now is one thing. Talking about how it's smart and good strategy is another.

    All that said, I love this school and love this program. My dad wore Cajuns across his chest and every one of his children holds a degree from here. I want the best for the program and hope this team can hoist a trophy in a few weeks doing it whatever way they can.

  10. #25

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Deggs way is sure starting to look like it works, regardless of how we feel about it. In 8 full years as a head coach he is headed to his 4th regional, which included a rebuild. Certainly frustrating at times but cant really argue with the results. He also seems to build teams that show up for tournaments.

  11. Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    I'll bite.

    I very rarely come to this site during games just to see what folks are talking about. It's usually because something happened and I want to discuss. So, when things are going well, I don't really have a need to come here. I also don't believe in saying "great job team, you did everything you were supposed to" on a message board as often as some of you would like. I have posted it several times throughout the season but will not come here and congratulate the team on every victory. I'm also bit of a baseball purist and Deggs style of coaching is not very conducive to that. There's a reason he's getting paid and I'm on a message board, but I don't have to like everything he does. I'm going to mention it every single time because I believe that there's a reason that many baseball strategies have stood the test of time. The biggest pet peeve of mine, though, and likely the biggest reason that I lean to the negative side and get into arguments is that there are some that will claim to be Robe "disciples" (for lack of better term) but will go out of their way to justify things that Tony would be rolling in his grave over. A couple examples, pitching staff management and poor baserunning (both by players and coaches). Saying Deggs is the man now is one thing. Talking about how it's smart and good strategy is another.

    All that said, I love this school and love this program. My dad wore Cajuns across his chest and every one of his children holds a degree from here. I want the best for the program and hope this team can hoist a trophy in a few weeks doing it whatever way they can.
    Really well said.

  12. Default Re: Let's Review

    What gets me is that when one comes here to give a counter point to an objector, all of the regular objectors show up and have fits, like only objections should be welcome here. There is definitely something way wrong with that picture . . .

    Also, there are those who come here only to throw shade on our university, it’s players and it’s coaches. You know who you are. I don’t consider those a fan of this university and neither should it.

  13. Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    I'll bite.

    I very rarely come to this site during games just to see what folks are talking about. It's usually because something happened and I want to discuss. So, when things are going well, I don't really have a need to come here. I also don't believe in saying "great job team, you did everything you were supposed to" on a message board as often as some of you would like. I have posted it several times throughout the season but will not come here and congratulate the team on every victory. I'm also bit of a baseball purist and Deggs style of coaching is not very conducive to that. There's a reason he's getting paid and I'm on a message board, but I don't have to like everything he does. I'm going to mention it every single time because I believe that there's a reason that many baseball strategies have stood the test of time. The biggest pet peeve of mine, though, and likely the biggest reason that I lean to the negative side and get into arguments is that there are some that will claim to be Robe "disciples" (for lack of better term) but will go out of their way to justify things that Tony would be rolling in his grave over. A couple examples, pitching staff management and poor baserunning (both by players and coaches). Saying Deggs is the man now is one thing. Talking about how it's smart and good strategy is another.

    All that said, I love this school and love this program. My dad wore Cajuns across his chest and every one of his children holds a degree from here. I want the best for the program and hope this team can hoist a trophy in a few weeks doing it whatever way they can.
    Whether on the couch, in the stadium, on the sidelines, or on a message board, strategy discussions are what make sports fun.

    Some think strategy discussions are off limits, and I think this stance has led to attendance declines.

    If you don't discuss the nuances of the game, there are fewer people who understand the game.

    If you don't understand the game, you are less likely to attend.

  14. #29

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by sportsfanatic21 View Post
    Exactly what’s been on my mind the entire baseball season. And last year too for that matter.

    If following a team makes you SO aggravated/unhappy/embarrassed, etc, then why are you even paying attention?

    It’s obvious in the threads. The certain group has nothing to say during wins and 8 pages of bashing and criticism for losses.

    Well actually, they gripe about a lot of wins too. Opponent was terrible, should have won by more, the coach is stupid, players should be left in the city where they made a mistake, and on and on.

    I just don’t get the personality trait that makes folks feel the need to publicly and relentlessly bash something they are supposedly a supporter of. It’s mind boggling.

    Disclaimer: this IS NOT about the fans that make observations about things they don’t agree with. That’s perfectly normal. So don’t get offended if my post doesn’t pertain to you. The ones it’s referring to know who they are. And I’m not bashing them, I’m just making an observation that I think it’s weird as hell to be so emotional about something you obviously don’t even like.
    It’s not just baseball. It’s pretty much all year abet the summer break.

  15. #30

    Default Re: Let's Review

    Quote Originally Posted by crazycajun View Post
    Deggs way is sure starting to look like it works, regardless of how we feel about it. In 8 full years as a head coach he is headed to his 4th regional, which included a rebuild. Certainly frustrating at times but cant really argue with the results. He also seems to build teams that show up for tournaments.
    I'm not sure the results you are citing validate anything just yet. He took over a SHSU program that had just gone to 3 straight regionals. He made a super regional but also missed postseason 3 of his 5 years. Then, this year and last, the sunbelt tournament is why we are in. Last year won the tourney, no at-large chance. Until we played (and won 4) 5 RPI favorable games in the tourney this year, we were not an at-large team either. For comparison, is what Tulane's coach doing working? They are in the postseason.

    "Working" to me is playing at-large baseball year in and year out.

    As for teams built for tournaments. Wouldn't that include regionals as well?

    Before the defenders come, just trying to have a healthy debate. His strategy and style may work and I hope it does, but the results are not proving out yet in my opinion.

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