Listen to CajunFun... he knows what he is talking about!"We were Top 25 in football 2 of the past 3 years, went to a bowl this season and almost beat a team headed for the P5 next year"
- epitome of UL sports .. almost did something great but fell juuuust short!
"We made the NCAA tournaments for several sports, including a super for softball."
- same story .. made tournaments, but nobody remembers us being there because we didn't win anything.
"We have facilities that are among the best in G5."
-- the gap between us and other top G5 teams (in better conferences) is shrinking, if it's still there at all
"We have dramatically expanded our campus, and we have multiple new buildings going up."
-- definitely true.. my father in law is a big "Ooh-la-la" guy and even he couldn't help but admit how great the campus looked this weekend
"The only real in-state rivals we have left are State & Tulane."
- what in the world? Baseball/football/basketball against LA Tech, you penciling in a win? Because I'm not.. you feel confident in Dez beating ULM?
"Now, think were we were 10 years ago. Think where we were just 5 years ago."
- 5 years ago we were drawing 30k at football and top 10 attendance in baseball ... that ain't NEARLY the case anymore.. Even with all of our almosts you listed.
"People here have been whining."
All of the things you mentioned as positives have largely been squandered by the university, as far as upward momentum goes.. We're also getting decimated in every sport by P5 NIL money...
There's plenty to whine about but I agree, plenty to be thankful for as well. I don't share your sentiment that everything is rosey just because everything was a ster fire 20 years ago