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Thread: Louisiana vs State

  1. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I'm saying, I am ignorant on this matter.
    Why are you arguing with me . . . by your method of counting that’s two in one thread . . .

  2. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I've never read that.

    It’s on the internet, has to be true. Just came across that a few weeks ago. Cannot find any references otherwise. Good possibility it’s a troll post on Wikipedia.

  3. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    It’s on the internet, has to be true. Just came across that a few weeks ago. Cannot find any references otherwise. Good possibility it’s a troll post on Wikipedia.
    I don't see it on that page. Is it under a certain link on that page?

  4. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I don't see it on that page. Is it under a certain link on that page?
    It’s the only time I’ve found this.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Don’t forget LSUA&MCBR was the University of Louisiana during 1913-21.
    So your link says 13-21. I never had seen that. Thanks

    There was a momement when the guy that burned down Atlanta during the Civil War was in charge at LSU when it burned down and was subsequently moved to BR.

  6. #54

    Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Thank you for the most educational thread!

  7. #55

    Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    It’s the only time I’ve found this.
    I looked at how many official names our university has been named. According to, UL is on it's 5th name, if you include the brief stint of UL in the 80's. And, according to this, LSU is on it's 5th name. In fact, they went back to one of their old names. So, who can't decide what they want to be called as much guff their fans have given us on this subject? lol.

  8. #56

    Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunFun View Post
    I would agree, and I'm working on it. But although it starts earlier, it by no means ends there. And essential to making those earlier changes will be our colleges & universities; and even more important, will be having a citizenry who has enough education to understand why education is important.

    That's the problem that gets lost: when you have a public who is not well-educated, they do not generally value education, nor understand what makes for strong education. And so they do not elect the public officials, nor express their concerns to them, in order to bring about effective education.

    Education, particularly university education, is much as Tom Lehrer said about life:

    "Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it."


    I must disagree. We have about the right number of universities for our population. And more importantly, in a wild fit of sanity our past Legislatures chose to place our universities in a fashion so that most of our lower-income students can commute to them.

    Agreed, but that should not come at the expense of strong universities, nor should it bring about a diminution of college graduates.

    I spent some weeks doing research on just these topics. If you're interest I can provide the data.

    The strongest correlates for these problems is the level of higher education— or rather, the lack thereof— in a state. The other strong correlate is income; but that correlation is not quite as strong, and of course, that brings in the related co-correlation between higher education & income.
    I would love to see you post some of your research data on our state's issues. We do need to enlighten ourselves before we can enlighten others!

  9. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    I'm doubting the Wikippedia source a little.

    The fastest place on campus to reflect change would be the schools yearbook.

    LSU's is Gumbo or The Gumbo.

    1913: LSU

    1917: LSU

    1918: LSU

    1921: LSU

    They all refer to the school as LSU A&M (I shortened it)

  10. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    When they ditched University of Louisiana, it was an unequivocal manifestation they did not want to be called that name.

    Now that it’s ours, they all of a sudden have an interest in that name.

    Too sad, too bad.
    Adjust your caring to the time when you abandoned that name.

  11. Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    It appears to me the Wiki edit is a lame modern day stake in the ground effort to accomplish what CajunVic just posted.

  12. #60

    Default Re: Louisiana vs State

    I thought Tulane was the U of L before going private?

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