Thought we were ____ed. Sure as hell don't look like it. Looks like they are happy just to be there
Thought we were ____ed. Sure as hell don't look like it. Looks like they are happy just to be there
Umpires are causing our error ridden defense to do what they’ve done all season
I told everyone about the cemented area in front of home plate. I even warned Glasco about it. Do you notice how high the balls are bouncing once it hits the ground? Torina is a genius.
No way that girl was safe. Should not have been 3-1
two questionable calls in one inning, umps got paid today
Cause our shortstop commits a fielding error and can’t make an accurate throw to the plate
Guys…the umpires are not calling a bad game so far. This is totally on the Cajuns.
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