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Thread: Family Brag

  1. #1

    Alumni Family Brag

    Hope you guys don't mind indulging me in expressing a little family pride. The following is a post I placed on my Twitter account today.

    "Congratulations to my beautiful daughter in law on earning the title of DOCTOR Megan Breaux Hebert. Been a long ride but she knocked it out of the park in her final defense today."

    You education folks will appreciate her work more than us engineers. Title of her study is shown below.

    Silencing the Inner "No": Mindset and Its Influence on the Intensity of Impostor Phenomenon in First-Generation College Students Transitioning to Undergraduate Studies.

    This is Megan's FOURTH Ragin Cajun degree and the NINTH in the family.

    Thanks to all of you for allowing me to brag on this family accomplishment.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Congrats. Well done. And I’m as clueless about her dissertation as I am in Engineering

  3. #3

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Quote Originally Posted by 60swerethebest View Post
    Congrats. Well done. And I’m as clueless about her dissertation as I am in Engineering
    It has something to do with kids being the first in the family to go to a university wondering if they truly belong in a college environment.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Congratulations for her great accomplishment.

  5. Default Re: Family Brag

    Congratulations to all.

  6. Default Re: Family Brag

    Proud of your daughter in law. But please don’t ever sell the Louisiana engineering department short.

    I have a recipient of a Mechanical Engineering degree from 2021 who is now knocking it out of the park at Skeeter Performance Boats in Kilgore, Texas.

    He was hired by a Louisiana alum from Milton who is now being groomed for top level management there. That guy has a degree in design from Louisiana which I believe is under the Architecture program.

    There was also another Louisiana alum from Kaplan that was hired on the design side shortly after my son. He is also knocking its out the park at Skeeter Performance Boats.

    So, our university has substantial representation in the engineering and design of the best bass boats in the market - Skeeter Performance Boats. Please consider Skeeter when in the market for a high performance boat. They also have a great line of center consoles and big lake boats.

    Coincidentally, this past weekend I was able to meet Chris Heath (Karley Heath’s dad) who is a professional bass angler. I am working on getting him into a Skeeter instead of a Ranger. Always representing.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Congrats to Mikes family.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    Proud of your daughter in law. But please don’t ever sell the Louisiana engineering department short.

    I have a recipient of a Mechanical Engineering degree from 2021 who is now knocking it out of the park at Skeeter Performance Boats in Kilgore, Texas.

    He was hired by a Louisiana alum from Milton who is now being groomed for top level management there. That guy has a degree in design from Louisiana which I believe is under the Architecture program.

    There was also another Louisiana alum from Kaplan that was hired on the design side shortly after my son. He is also knocking its out the park at Skeeter Performance Boats.

    So, our university has substantial representation in the engineering and design of the best bass boats in the market - Skeeter Performance Boats. Please consider Skeeter when in the market for a high performance boat. They also have a great line of center consoles and big lake boats.

    Coincidentally, this past weekend I was able to meet Chris Heath (Karley Heath’s dad) who is a professional bass angler. I am working on getting him into a Skeeter instead of a Ranger. Always representing.
    There is no way I would ever sell our Engineering program short. Prior to retirement I led the recruiting effort of UL engineers for my employer. I was able to point out that our graduates not only competed well with ALUMS of better known schools but often out perform them once brought on board.

  9. Default Re: Family Brag

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    There is no way I would ever sell our Engineering program short. Prior to retirement I led the recruiting effort of UL engineers for my employer. I was able to point out that our graduates not only competed well with ALUMS of better known schools but often out perform them once brought on board.
    The connection with Skeeter was facilitated by one of my neighbor couples who are both retired UL faculty. When my son indicated to him that his dream job was to be involved with the design and engineering of boats, the professor went to UL to research whether they had records of any alums in either design or engineering who were employed in the boat building industry. So the retired professor located the information to make the contact. Could not have worked out better. Please rest assured when I said not to sell our engineering department short, it was intended in a complimentary fashion.

    The world is small. Come to find out that my dad in fact taught the dad of this Louisiana alum in high school.

    I’m not sure what Louisiana does to keep tract of past alums as they move into higher places as a means of providing contacts for recently graduates, but sprucing up that process could reap large benefits for the university and those they educate . . .

  10. Default Re: Family Brag

    That’s awesome Mike.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Family Brag

    Congrats Mike and family!!

  12. Default Re: Family Brag

    Hey Mike, thats fantastic news!!

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