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Thread: Former Cajun player gets press via jersey number

  1. #1

    Default Former Cajun player gets press via jersey number

    I guess others respect the “self-made man” more than most Cajun fans.

  2. Default Re: Former Cajun player gets press via jersey number

    What an awesome gesture.

    Ike played many years for the Steelers and in some ways only played one for Louisiana.

    At Louisiana he languished in obscurity under Baldwin until Bartel saw his potential and teamed him up across from Tillman.

    After one year of excellence he was drafted but never got the fan following here he deserved.

    This recognition is what staying in one place for a sustained period of time produces.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Former Cajun player gets press via jersey number

    I think overall, Ike was/is a good dude. He just rubbed me and a lot of family and friends the wrong way by never stating the school he attended. If he would have been more like Tillman, he would have had a much bigger following.

    Does he still do his football camps for the youth?
    I always admired him for that.

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