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Thread: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

  1. Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunJeaux View Post
    If someone told you that, I’m willing to bet they’re too old to hear & comprehend the lyrics! Ha
    He’s about my age. He went to a game last year with a USM friend. I was missing a game and offered. And that was his answer.

    Either way, it is one of many issues. Baseball dealt with it, other sports should follow suit.

    If they are watching ESPN+ and don’t hear all that, you’ve lost them as potential ticket buyers.

    Family friendly sells.

  2. #14

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Every game needs to be a Carnaval et Fêtem!!! écrevisse, gombo, cajun, alligator, huître, crevette, randonnée etc. Make it a party!!!

    Also improve parking, tailgating, concessions etc. the stuff we known was a problem for years!! Really not that hard to figure out.

    Got to get the community involved

    I know if I was in charge I could get 10k more a game. Every Game !!

    Proactive HA!! What a joke. We can’t even get a mascot !! Takes everyone and Facebook group and local newspapers, and tv stations and still they do not get off there hands and change it!!

    We will call this student body and Greek organizations we will hear what they have to say and then we will do nothing !!!

    Any real change will require real work!! I be surprise if they do all that !! Sorry I hate to be so negative but that is the way I see it !!

  3. #15

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Every game needs to be a Carnaval et Fêtem!!! écrevisse, gombo, cajun, alligator, huître, crevette, randonnée etc. Make it a party!!!

    Also improve parking, tailgating, concessions etc. the stuff we known was a problem for years!! Really not that hard to figure out.

    Got to get the community involved

    I know if I was in charge I could get 10k more a game. Every Game !!

    Proactive HA!! What a joke. We can’t even get a mascot !! Takes everyone and Facebook group and local newspapers, and tv stations and still they do not get off there hands and change it!!

    We will call this student body and Greek organizations we will hear what they have to say and then we will do nothing !!!
    I only said proactive because it is May. If he had done this in the fall between game one and 2 after the stadium was empty I would have used reactive. Let’s see what comes of it.

  4. #16

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    Every game needs to be a Carnaval et Fêtem!!! écrevisse, gombo, cajun, alligator, huître, crevette, randonnée etc. Make it a party!!!

    Also improve parking, tailgating, concessions etc. the stuff we known was a problem for years!! Really not that hard to figure out.

    Got to get the community involved

    I know if I was in charge I could get 10k more a game. Every Game !!

    Proactive HA!! What a joke. We can’t even get a mascot !! Takes everyone and Facebook group and local newspapers, and tv stations and still they do not get off there hands and change it!!

    We will call this student body and Greek organizations we will hear what they have to say and then we will do nothing !!!

    Any real change will require real work!! I be surprise if they do all that !! Sorry I hate to be so negative but that is the way I see it !!
    Tell us how you could get 10K more per game.

  5. #17

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    I Hope you are right !! It hurts because everyone on this board knows what needs to be done. They are just not doing it.

  6. #18

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by JMV JustMyView View Post
    Tell us how you could get 10K more per game.
    1. I would get a committee together made up of 30 people from alumni to student leaders, and come up with things that will improve attendance and realistic changes we could make.

    2. Setup every home game as some sort of festival , gumbo, crawfish, shrimp pick one and go with it, have restuarants or have people and compete like a bbq cook off, or gumbo cook off with judges.

    3. Setup a huge tailgate area bigger and better.
    Get food trucks, and vendors and live bands for every home game.

    4. Run Ads on local radio stations and small towns, of our schedule for every home football game

    5. I would get volunteers, from students to die hard fans, and I would hit every church and every community event in a 12 parish region.
    Opelousas, Ville Platte, New Iberia, Franklin, I would try to hit from Lake Charles to Morgan City to Alexandria. Hand out flyers, talk to people be in there face go hand out schedules and events at the local wal-mart every weekend!! Promoting these events and give actual dates and times.

    6. Get a mascot.

    7. Have a cheerleader day where high school cheerleaders can come and learn how to be a college cheerleader, or have a band day, or have a cub scout day, we have all these different high schools with all these groups let them know that they can do the same in college.

    8. We have to make the event something more then just football!! Make it about as many things as you possibly can.

    Do I need to go on. I can write about 30 pages on what I would do .

  7. Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    1. I would get a committee together made up of 30 people from alumni to student leaders, and come up with things that will improve attendance and realistic changes we could make.

    2. Setup every home game as some sort of festival , gumbo, crawfish, shrimp pick one and go with it, have restuarants or have people and compete like a bbq cook off, or gumbo cook off with judges.

    3. Setup a huge tailgate area bigger and better.
    Get food trucks, and vendors and live bands for every home game.

    4. Run Ads on local radio stations and small towns, of our schedule for every home football game

    5. I would get volunteers, from students to die hard fans, and I would hit every church and every community event in a 12 parish region.
    Opelousas, Ville Platte, New Iberia, Franklin, I would try to hit from Lake Charles to Morgan City to Alexandria. Hand out flyers, talk to people be in there face go hand out schedules and events at the local wal-mart every weekend!! Promoting these events and give actual dates and times.

    6. Get a mascot.

    7. Have a cheerleader day where high school cheerleaders can come and learn how to be a college cheerleader, or have a band day, or have a cub scout day, we have all these different high schools with all these groups let them know that they can do the same in college.

    8. We have to make the event something more then just football!! Make it about as many things as you possibly can.

    Do I need to go on. I can write about 30 pages on what I would do .

  8. #20

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragin9221 View Post
    5. I would get volunteers, from students to die hard fans, and I would hit every church and every community event in a 12 parish region.
    Opelousas, Ville Platte, New Iberia, Franklin, I would try to hit from Lake Charles to Morgan City to Alexandria. Hand out flyers, talk to people be in there face go hand out schedules and events at the local wal-mart every weekend!! Promoting these events and give actual dates and times.
    The idea of having RCAF "outposts" in each major Acadiana parish has always been in the back of my mind. Empower well-connected alumni in these areas as "capitaines." Give them honorary titles and perks. Simply ask them to spread the Cajun athletic gospel.

    This is 100% out of Coach Hud's playbook, recalling Ragin Review's interview with him where he said verbatim:

    "Giving people roles, people love to have a role to be a part of something."

    Another quote from that interview was:

    "...I invited people, people want to be invited to something..."

    It's not easy to get someone out in the community with as much energy as Coach Hud, but we can learn a thing or two from him and the success he had "bringing the juice" to CF.

  9. #21

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Getting together as a community!! Coming and just coming to hang out, and have a good time. When you just alienate a group of people, or you kick out the average joe you are not making it appealing to them. Chances are they will never come back.

    Show the Acadiana area you care. Show them they matter. Can not just make it a Lafayette thing, but we have to make it a Acadiana thing. A regional thing, and eventually a state thing!

    You do that you will get your 10k fans !!

  10. #22

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    The sad thing is, we USED to have huge student support at the games, at a time when we were a much smaller USL!! These were taken when I was in the PoA during the late 1970’s and early 80’s…..

    Attached Images Attached Images    

  11. #23

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Quote Originally Posted by RedTails View Post
    The idea of having RCAF "outposts" in each major Acadiana parish has always been in the back of my mind. Empower well-connected alumni in these areas as "capitaines." Give them honorary titles and perks. Simply ask them to spread the Cajun athletic gospel.

    This is 100% out of Coach Hud's playbook, recalling Ragin Review's interview with him where he said verbatim:

    "Giving people roles, people love to have a role to be a part of something."

    Another quote from that interview was:

    "...I invited people, people want to be invited to something..."

    It's not easy to get someone out in the community with as much energy as Coach Hud, but we can learn a thing or two from him and the success he had "bringing the juice" to CF.
    Maybe we could hire him back to build the fan base?

  12. #24

    Default Re: Dr Maggard Being Proactive (student support)

    Coach Hud knew how to talk directly to Cajun Nation in podcasts, interviews, social media, and in person. He told you his expectation and invited you to be apart of the growth. Should Coach Des and RCAF do a summer coach’s road tour around Louisiana (Lafayette, Alexandria, Baton Rouge, New Orleans) to meet and invite fans to the games? I remember when Coach Bustle came to Baton Rouge for a coach’s road tour.

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