Every game needs to be a Carnaval et Fêtem!!! écrevisse, gombo, cajun, alligator, huître, crevette, randonnée etc. Make it a party!!!
Also improve parking, tailgating, concessions etc. the stuff we known was a problem for years!! Really not that hard to figure out.
Got to get the community involved
I know if I was in charge I could get 10k more a game. Every Game !!
Proactive HA!! What a joke. We can’t even get a mascot !! Takes everyone and Facebook group and local newspapers, and tv stations and still they do not get off there hands and change it!!
We will call this student body and Greek organizations we will hear what they have to say and then we will do nothing !!!
Any real change will require real work!! I be surprise if they do all that !! Sorry I hate to be so negative but that is the way I see it !!