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Thread: SB G3 Final: Louisiana 6, Troy 1

  1. #37

    Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Cajuns win it 6-1.
    Sam Landry with complete game. Good job Sam!

    The number is now 79.

  2. #38

    Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Trahan View Post
    You know, Thursday morning I had a scary thing happen to me.

    Middle of the night, my nose just started to bleed. Sleeping, I was gagging on blood. Went into the bathroom and managed to stem the flow. Or so I thought.

    My wife noticed a few drops of blood on the floor and was like, WTF? Told her I had a little nosebleed. She said it looked like somebody had been shot in the bathroom.

    Took my shower at 6. And the warm water just opened it up. Blood was literally pouring from my nose. Over the course of the next 90 minutes, I went thru six tampons to stem the flow from both nostrils.

    Needless to say, on to the emergency room at Lafayette General. They plugged it with a more appropriate medical device called a "bullet." Recommended I go see an ENT.

    Luckily, got into one first thing Friday morning. Doc cauterized with much effort. Told me to take it easy for a few days and not to blow my nose for two weeks.

    He did say I would develop what would appear to be a huge brown booger that would be incredibly irritating.

    You, my friend, are that big brown booger.

    Pretty sure those folks that know me will vouch for my character and integrity.

    I really doubt if you can say the same thing.
    Hope you are feeling better.

  3. Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Trahan View Post
    You know, Thursday morning I had a scary thing happen to me.

    Middle of the night, my nose just started to bleed. Sleeping, I was gagging on blood. Went into the bathroom and managed to stem the flow. Or so I thought.

    My wife noticed a few drops of blood on the floor and was like, WTF? Told her I had a little nosebleed. She said it looked like somebody had been shot in the bathroom.

    Took my shower at 6. And the warm water just opened it up. Blood was literally pouring from my nose. Over the course of the next 90 minutes, I went thru six tampons to stem the flow from both nostrils.

    Needless to say, on to the emergency room at Lafayette General. They plugged it with a more appropriate medical device called a "bullet." Recommended I go see an ENT.

    Luckily, got into one first thing Friday morning. Doc cauterized with much effort. Told me to take it easy for a few days and not to blow my nose for two weeks.

    He did say I would develop what would appear to be a huge brown booger that would be incredibly irritating.
    Glad you got thru that situation. One of the downsides of thinners.

  4. #40

    Default Re: SB G3 Final: Louisiana 6, Troy 1

    I get that sometimes too, though never enough to see a doctor or go to the hospital. I'm on thinners too. Need to eat some guacamole!

  5. #41

    Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Trahan View Post
    You know, Thursday morning I had a scary thing happen to me.

    Middle of the night, my nose just started to bleed. Sleeping, I was gagging on blood. Went into the bathroom and managed to stem the flow. Or so I thought.

    My wife noticed a few drops of blood on the floor and was like, WTF? Told her I had a little nosebleed. She said it looked like somebody had been shot in the bathroom.

    Took my shower at 6. And the warm water just opened it up. Blood was literally pouring from my nose. Over the course of the next 90 minutes, I went thru six tampons to stem the flow from both nostrils.

    Needless to say, on to the emergency room at Lafayette General. They plugged it with a more appropriate medical device called a "bullet." Recommended I go see an ENT.

    Luckily, got into one first thing Friday morning. Doc cauterized with much effort. Told me to take it easy for a few days and not to blow my nose for two weeks.

    He did say I would develop what would appear to be a huge brown booger that would be incredibly irritating.

    You, my friend, are that big brown booger.

    Pretty sure those folks that know me will vouch for my character and integrity.

    I really doubt if you can say the same thing.
    Man, I hope your nose bleed stops; I had four six years ago and the good news is the second one led me to an ENT. They wound up saving my life. I always say God gave me those nose bleeds to get me into an ENT that led to other things. I fully expect your nose bleeds not to be anything like mine was. Best of luck.

  6. Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunchuck View Post
    Cajuns win it 6-1.
    Sam Landry with complete game. Good job Sam!

    The number is now 79.
    It’s just me, but I’d promote being silent and humble a few more years in hopes of making 100. Don’t put an unnecessary target for opponents out there.

  7. Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Glad you got thru that situation. One of the downsides of thinners.
    Dude, and I'm only on baby aspirin. Dr. Aldredge (ENT) requested that Dr. Sal (cardiologist) let me stop the baby aspirin for two weeks. Sal said to go off for a month.

    Even my glaucoma laser procedures, which are non-invasive and involve no blood whatsoever require that I stop the baby aspirin for 10 days.

    Nose hurts like hell. Partial obstruction forming from the big brown booger.

    Saw Dr. Sal Friday for my regular 6 month. He came in shaking his head. Said after the last several months, I need to go buy a lottery ticket; my luck has got to change.

    Apologies again to everybody for dumping. Its a little therapeutic, cause I'm freaking tired.

    Renewed my season tickets last week. And ate turkey wing today.

    Its all good.

  8. Default Re: SB G3 Final: Louisiana 6, Troy 1

    Quote Originally Posted by SlickRick View Post
    I get that sometimes too, though never enough to see a doctor or go to the hospital. I'm on thinners too. Need to eat some guacamole!
    Dude, it was way scary, more so for Lady Monkee (that would be Ms. Trahan).

    I couldn't see how much blood there was (thought I actually cleaned it up) but there was even splatters on the ceiling.

    Like I said to ZZ, I'm not even on thinners; just baby aspirin. I know we take it for a reason, but be careful.

    Hell, just last week, our 75 lb. thingamuhlabragoldendoodle started chewing on of my glaucoma drop bottles (10 ml it was more than half used). Almost killed him and I put that shyte in my eyes three times a day.

    Gotta do what we gotta due to keep kickin' but, damn, be careful and conscious.

    This whiny message brought to you by your local 60 year old adolescent.

  9. #45

    Default Re: SB G3 Final: Louisiana 6, Troy 1

    Bleeding nose ended up getting my 84 year Dad. One thing led to another, and another, etc. Started with the nose bleed.

  10. Default Re: SB G3 Final: Louisiana 6, Troy 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Trahan View Post
    Dude, it was way scary, more so for Lady Monkee (that would be Ms. Trahan).

    I couldn't see how much blood there was (thought I actually cleaned it up) but there was even splatters on the ceiling.

    Like I said to ZZ, I'm not even on thinners; just baby aspirin. I know we take it for a reason, but be careful.

    Hell, just last week, our 75 lb. thingamuhlabragoldendoodle started chewing on of my glaucoma drop bottles (10 ml it was more than half used). Almost killed him and I put that shyte in my eyes three times a day.

    Gotta do what we gotta due to keep kickin' but, damn, be careful and conscious.

    This whiny message brought to you by your local 60 year old adolescent.
    Need to absolutely listen to your body. Your system expects that 81mg aspirin. As Slick pointed out, things can go sideways fast.

    My mom has had 3 heart attacks in less than 3 years…first natural, other two due to getting off her blood thinners for minor procedures. Otherwise, she’s sane and healthy, EF is 55% resting…better than all her kids. Frying bacon for breakfast the day after she got out the hospital after the last one Easter Sunday. Don’t ask her age, it will just bum you out, but she’s got us all covered on this board.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk Trahan View Post
    In a manner of speaking.

    Yeah, that's me. My actual identity is showing up sometimes.

    Hope you don't hold it against me.
    Not at all. I used to work with you on campus and CM would say some things that I thought was you. Just wondering.

  12. #48

    Default Re: Softball Game 3: Troy

    Quote Originally Posted by KajunKrazy View Post
    Not at all. I used to work with you on campus and CM would say some things that I thought was you. Just wondering.
    You drove a bus?

    I know a couple of guys on the board who drove for Lucien.

    Got paid to pick the basketball team up at the Athletic Complex, drive them across the street to the Cajundome, watch the game, and bring them back.

    Got paid to bring the football team to the movies on Fridays during football season. Saw more movies those two years than ever in my life.

    Coolest job ever.

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