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Thread: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

  1. #361

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post

    You have a grove of cypress trees on your pastureland in a low lying area. You fill the area in with water from a canal, without the water in the low lying area being able to drain away naturally. You maintain the level of water with the piped in water along with rainwater. You plant marine plants and an alligator finds its way into the water, along with turtles, etc.
    Is it a marsh or a lake?
    You're insufferable...someone needs to shove a cypress tree up your azz...Do you argue just to argue? You're a pathetic excuse for a UL go shove a swamp up you pink canoe...

  2. #362

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    I just want to push back against that thought, just in case anyone else is thinking it. Albineaux gets the most hate on pages known for being pessimistic, and sometimes cruel. If your perception of Al is only coming from the comments of KLFY and the Football Fans FB page, you’re going to get the wrong idea of how well he’s actually being received. You can look at the pictures for proof. The Fans of Ragin Cajun Football FB page got so negative and so personal at one point this season, the admins actually shut it down. Does anybody else remember that, because I do. That’s why I take everything with a grain of salt from certain sources.

    I would say it’s quiet majority versus a loud minority kind of thing. But even that majority, is still pretty loud. That’s why Al keeps having articles written about him. It has nothing to do with me as a person, and everything to do with people like the concept. They really really like it, especially young people. That’s why we’re here. If nobody liked it, there wouldn’t be much to talk about. Another article about Al is in the works too.

    And as much as I play down the opinions of the Fans of Ragin Cajun Football Page here, if you look at every Al post, I’m the one who posted it. It’s me that’s including them into the conversation, despite their constant negative outlook. I want them to be a part of this. When things start moving with Al, I don’t want them to be like “no one was talking to us.”

    If you think Al isn’t doing well in the public’s eye, as the creator that sees all the reactions, I can humbly tell you that you’re wrong. That’s why I think it would be better to talk about making Al better rather than trying to shut down the idea completely. Is there a good amount of people that don’t like him too? For sure! Every mascot idea would have that hate. Think about hard it was for the saints to be the saints because of the religious ties. Sixty years later, the saints and Louisiana are inseparable. I think the same will be for the Louisiana Ragin Cajuns, and an albino alligator.
    This looks great on paper...bringing it to life, is another story...

  3. #363

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    That is a scenario, but it isn't what happened at Louisiana.

    We have a picture of a 1902 football game vs LSU, with the (fenced off) Swamp in the background including much younger Cypress trees. It was fenced off because they didn't know what to do with the property.

    It was a dozen years later that it began to be used for pig farm run off.

    Back then for some unknown reason swamp carried a negative connotation. That thought process permeated thinking till not so long ago. Some people still can't admit when something is a swamp.
    That ok. So, which is it?

  4. #364

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by fanof71 View Post
    You're insufferable...someone needs to shove a cypress tree up your azz...Do you argue just to argue? You're a pathetic excuse for a UL go shove a swamp up you pink canoe...
    Another snowflake. Who is arguing? We are discussing. He makes his opinion. I make mine. It’s what grownups do. Don’t like it? Too bad.

  5. #365

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    Another snowflake. Who is arguing? We are discussing. He makes his opinion. I make mine. It’s what grownups do. Don’t like it? Too bad.
    Actually I think it's hilarious your contesting what is a swamp and what's a lake...what a simpleton you are buttercup..

  6. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    That ok. So, which is it?
    Was a natural marsh always, and a natural lake during rainy season.

    Then after the roads and ditches were built around IT causing it's main water source to dry up it was a marsh and lake only during rainy season. (Many events had to be cancelled in Cypress grove after rains fell.)

    Currently with its natural source diverted, it is now an assisted living reclaimed marsh AND a lake.

    Naming it Cypress Lake instead of naming it after it's roots was a PR move through and through.

  7. #367

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Was a natural marsh always, and a natural lake during rainy season.

    Then after the roads and ditches were built around IT causing it's main water source to dry up it was a marsh and lake only during rainy season. (Many events had to be cancelled in Cypress grove after rains fell.)

    Currently with its natural source diverted, it is now an assisted living reclaimed marsh AND a lake.

    Naming it Cypress Lake instead of naming it after it's roots was a PR move through and through.

  8. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    I just saw this from the article on the Centenary thread.

    Centenary has adopted the Catahoula as its mascot since 2007.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

  9. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    After viewing the hundreds of responses on social medium platforms, the alligator was an overwhelming failure for a mascot.
    I’ve made my point in regards to both ‘Swamps’.
    Tradition? SMH.
    This is absolutely false. Just like most of the crap you post on this site. If you're going to cherry pick the geriatric _____ing on FB, that would make sense. Seems like your neighborhood, using terms like "snowflake" and bud light jokes. So Boomer it hurts.

  10. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    I just want to push back against that thought, just in case anyone else is thinking it. Albineaux gets the most hate on pages known for being pessimistic, and sometimes cruel. If your perception of Al is only coming from the comments of KLFY and the Football Fans FB page, you’re going to get the wrong idea of how well he’s actually being received. You can look at the pictures for proof. The Fans of Ragin Cajun Football FB page got so negative and so personal at one point this season, the admins actually shut it down. Does anybody else remember that, because I do. That’s why I take everything with a grain of salt from certain sources.

    I would say it’s quiet majority versus a loud minority kind of thing. But even that majority, is still pretty loud. That’s why Al keeps having articles written about him. It has nothing to do with me as a person, and everything to do with people like the concept. They really really like it, especially young people. That’s why we’re here. If nobody liked it, there wouldn’t be much to talk about. Another article about Al is in the works too.

    And as much as I play down the opinions of the Fans of Ragin Cajun Football Page here, if you look at every Al post, I’m the one who posted it. It’s me that’s including them into the conversation, despite their constant negative outlook. I want them to be a part of this. When things start moving with Al, I don’t want them to be like “no one was talking to us.”

    If you think Al isn’t doing well in the public’s eye, as the creator that sees all the reactions, I can humbly tell you that you’re wrong. That’s why I think it would be better to talk about making Al better rather than trying to shut down the idea completely. Is there a good amount of people that don’t like him too? For sure! Every mascot idea would have that hate. Think about hard it was for the saints to be the saints because of the religious ties. Sixty years later, the saints and Louisiana are inseparable. I think the same will be for the Louisiana Ragin Cajuns, and an albino alligator.
    Keep pushing ahead man. Morons like this don't matter. It's the youth that matter and the youth obviously like Al.

  11. #371

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    This is absolutely false. Just like most of the crap you post on this site. If you're going to cherry pick the geriatric _____ing on FB, that would make sense. Seems like your neighborhood, using terms like "snowflake" and bud light jokes. So Boomer it hurts.
    Hey Mr. Irrelevant! How can you be wrong so often? I get it. Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point.
    Post the FB link on here and let the RP see for themselves.

  12. #372

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Keep pushing ahead man. Morons like this don't matter. It's the youth that matter and the youth obviously like Al.
    We know you are so important to the university. Setup another meeting with Joe. Give us the answer that everyone wants to know. What is the university’s opinion on an Albino alligator? Can’t wait for your report.

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