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Thread: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

  1. #109

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    The best selling point for the Catahoula is not that we would be unique simply for having it as the mascot. It is that the story of the Catahoula IS the story of Louisiana. From ...

    << .. The Indians in and around Louisiana used the Red Wolf, which then roamed Louisiana during this period, to locate game, much in the same manner as hunters use their dogs today. Hernando DeSoto had traveled from Florida into Louisiana, bringing with him the "War Dogs" that had made the journey to the New World. The breeds that were referred to as War Dogs were the Greyhound and the Mastiff. Research has shown that the Mastiff type of dog that accompanied him was probably those known as the "Alano Mastiff" of Spain, which are now extinct. These Mastiffs had a reputation of being able to pull down very large game with ease. DeSoto utilized their abilities to persuade the Indians to provide information on the whereabouts of Gold and Treasure. Mostly those already owned by the Indians.

    After suffering defeat in battle, DeSoto abandoned his War Dogs which were allowed to roam freely. They bred and interbreed with each other along with the Red Wolf. The offspring of the various breedings were then used by the Indians, and became known as the "Wolf Dog." The Wolf Dog, which is mentioned in Louisiana History, as well as most history books covering this era, was the name given to them by Henri Tonti during one of his visits to Louisiana.

    By the early 1700's the French had started arriving in Louisiana. Hearing the stories of Tonti of the abundance of game in Louisiana the French brought with them a dog known as the "Bas Rouge," or Red Stockings. This dog has also been called the "Berger de Beauce." Today that very dog is known as the Beauceron. The French bred their dogs with those of the Indians' Wolf Dog, and together these four canines contributed to the inception of the Catahoula that we know today... >>

    Our Cajun ancestors and Louisiana forefathers used the Catahoula to take down large game throughout Louisiana. We could do the same in The Swamp.

    It would be such a shame to miss this Golden opportunity to further solidify our identities as the University of Louisiana and as Cajuns.
    Dude that's one cool report. For the first time I actually like the Catahoula idea. As some know, I'm all about SLII, SLI, USL, LA history. I'm seeing a big time push to make this happen. It's time. There is another idea which I'm yet to see be proposed- the Crawfish. We're talking a one of kind creature rep'n the One and Only Ragin' Cajuns of Louisiana. We all know how popular even saying boiling crawfish is and then spreading them down a table with your family, friends, neighbors, dogs, even damn cats. It's a very powerful image to have a direct correlation with Crawfish and Cajuns Football, etc.

    I'm not starting WWIII here. This is a calm and collected discussion amongst Acadians. I didn't go to an Ivy League school, I went to UL, and initiated the first classroom wide effort on this back in 2006 in MKTG 375. The prof said it was the first time ever that the entire class became one (1) group in t___ ___ignment. We were put into groups of 4. My group was the last to make its study proposal. Of course there was proposals for a loop, the horse farm or some damn thing with the Coulee System. I said we're re-branding Louisiana and getting rid of this damn flaming dildeaux. End result was, three divisions were formed and each had a target group for survey. The helmet decal and the FDL were winners by far - No comparison.

    Spirit leader/Mascot is next. Let's keep this objective open to all and we'll get the next Rep for UL.

    Let's Geaux.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  2. #110

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    We need to make some " We want a mascot* " yard signs and put them in front of Martin Hall.

    *(fine print): just not Cayenne.

  3. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    I just did an interview with KLFY that’s going to play on the 6pm news tonight. I know the naysayers on the Fans of Ragin Cajuns Football page are going to love that haha. This is a big victory for Al! If we can get KATC and the Advocate too, it’ll be a milestone hit.

  4. #112

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CouillonCinema View Post
    I know the naysayers on the Fans of Ragin Cajuns Football page are going to love that haha.
    Does anyone else see irregularities here.

    Cajuns Football fans on twitter/fb whatever are the enemy?

    Whoever this "CouillonCinema" is and those who have immediately jumped on board is revealing.

    Instantly picked up by 107.9, KLFY interview?

  5. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp View Post
    Dude that's one cool report. For the first time I actually like the Catahoula idea. As some know, I'm all about SLII, SLI, USL, LA history. I'm seeing a big time push to make this happen. It's time. There is another idea which I'm yet to see be proposed- the Crawfish. We're talking a one of kind creature rep'n the One and Only Ragin' Cajuns of Louisiana. We all know how popular even saying boiling crawfish is and then spreading them down a table with your family, friends, neighbors, dogs, even damn cats. It's a very powerful image to have a direct correlation with Crawfish and Cajuns Football, etc.

    I'm not starting WWIII here. This is a calm and collected discussion amongst Acadians. I didn't go to an Ivy League school, I went to UL, and initiated the first classroom wide effort on this back in 2006 in MKTG 375. The prof said it was the first time ever that the entire class became one (1) group in t___ ___ignment. We were put into groups of 4. My group was the last to make its study proposal. Of course there was proposals for a loop, the horse farm or some damn thing with the Coulee System. I said we're re-branding Louisiana and getting rid of this damn flaming dildeaux. End result was, three divisions were formed and each had a target group for survey. The helmet decal and the FDL were winners by far - No comparison.

    Spirit leader/Mascot is next. Let's keep this objective open to all and we'll get the next Rep for UL.

    Let's Geaux.
    I would absolutely love for the university to finally put out a vote and ask the fans and alumni what they want. “Be the change of what you want to see in the world.” That’s what I’m trying to do. I think Al is great but I’m still asking what do you guys think. I wish UL would do the same.

    To the crawfish suggestion, I’ve seen several people offer up a crawfish as a mascot. I don’t think going with another food mascot is going to work out for us. I think people miss a key component of a university mascot is “does it bring respect to my institution?”

    Unfortunately let’s reference the school across the basin. They are the Fighting Tigers. Tigers are feared and beloved. They demand your attention when your around them. To be in the same association as one of the kings of the jungle is cool.

    And then you have a crawfish. Something small, can be stepped on, is eaten by everyone, and then just discarded. A crawfish is very Louisiana yes but it fails to bring any respect to our school!

    If there is a four or five star recruit looking at schools, which school mascot would sound cooler to be associated with? A crawfish? A pepper? A dog? Or a unique gator?

    To me, there’s two schools of approaching this. There’s “directional school thinking,” and “big brand Louisiana” thinking.

  6. #114

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Thing about a dog is that he is going to pass away some day. Then you will have to go get another dog, hopefully, that will be close in looks so as to not confuse the fans...."What are we changing our mascot again?"...

    Plus, the upkeep on a live animal verses a costumed mascot is astronomically different.

    And you would never have to worry about the costumed mascot biting a kid who wants to take a picture or pet it.

    Just thinking out loud.

  7. #115

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp View Post
    Does anyone else see irregularities here.

    Cajuns Football fans on twitter/fb whatever are the enemy?

    Whoever this "CouillonCinema" is and those who have immediately jumped on board is revealing.

    Instantly picked up by 107.9, KLFY interview?
    Seems like the fix is in, doesn't it?

  8. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Swamp View Post
    Does anyone else see irregularities here.

    Cajuns Football fans on twitter/fb whatever are the enemy?

    Whoever this "CouillonCinema" is and those who have immediately jumped on board is revealing.

    Instantly picked up by 107.9, KLFY interview?
    The people on the Fans of Ragin Cajun Football Facebook group are not my enemy. I don’t think anybody who doesn’t like Al is an enemy. I honestly want to convince them. But so many people aren’t open to dialogue. It’s just that group has a reputation of being unhelpful to certain topics and overall negative. Meanwhile everywhere else, the conversations are going great! Mainly I was just making a joke that they’re going to be bad that we made it to the news when they hate the idea so much.

    And I’m no stranger. You never have to ask who I am. I’m Cory ‘17. You can always ask me anything. Part of draw of Al is everybody knows who’s pulling the strings for him.

  9. #117

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    Seems like the fix is in, doesn't it?

  10. #118

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    I honestly wish the fix was in lol. It would be one less thing on the University's gigantic to-do list.

    And if the fix was in, would it be so bad? The University has shown its willingness to pull the plug on a mascot that isn't working out. At the end of the day we are the Ragin' Cajuns. What we choose to represent us doesn't change that underlying moniker.

    Hell, we could probably have a Sesame St. cast of Ragin' Cajun characters over time to do things like an MLB mascot race.

  11. Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    So 7 1/2 people will read it.
    Agree. But we all know a certain television station will run with it as newsworthy.

  12. #120

    Default Re: Grassroots Campaign for the Next UL Mascot

    Lots of posts about Catahoula mascots and crawfish mascots, but no renderings of a Cathoula mascot or crawfish mascot. Bunch of problems and no solutions.

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