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Thread: Reading through the lines. MAT? What you know?

  1. Default Re: Reading through the lines. MAT? What you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    I am grateful for your caring and your kindness.

    My position hasn't changed. As long as my bosses feel like I'm contributing to the brand and as long as my health allows, I'll continue. Any timetable that exists isn't mine.

    Recently, my older childrens' mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It came out of nowhere and it's been difficult to accept. I guess that's why I keep saying we aren't promised tomorrow. We think life is open ended. It isn't. But we rejoice that her faith is strong and her future has been determined.

    From a practical standpoint, I don't care how old you are. Do you have a will? Don't leave that to your survivors. Have your wishes been made known to your family? Talk to them.

    And, how's YOUR future looking? YOU get to determine how you spend eternity. (Hint): There is only one way to make sure. And, this is a good weekend to take care of that.

    Sorry for hijacking this. I just feel I needed to say it.
    ….Now Jay, a business that does wills would be a great game sponsor……suicide squeeze, stealing a base, bunting with 2 strikes…..why take risks? Do the will today and be SAFE!!! What ya think? Happy Easter guys!

  2. Default Re: Reading through the lines. MAT? What you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    I am grateful for your caring and your kindness.

    My position hasn't changed. As long as my bosses feel like I'm contributing to the brand and as long as my health allows, I'll continue. Any timetable that exists isn't mine.

    Recently, my older childrens' mother was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. It came out of nowhere and it's been difficult to accept. I guess that's why I keep saying we aren't promised tomorrow. We think life is open ended. It isn't. But we rejoice that her faith is strong and her future has been determined.

    From a practical standpoint, I don't care how old you are. Do you have a will? Don't leave that to your survivors. Have your wishes been made known to your family? Talk to them.

    And, how's YOUR future looking? YOU get to determine how you spend eternity. (Hint): There is only one way to make sure. And, this is a good weekend to take care of that.

    Sorry for hijacking this. I just feel I needed to say it.
    Hijack away. This is the most important thing on this board after Jesus.

    Along with that, if able, tell everyone you need to whatever would be on that “I wish I would have told (insert name) before they died”. Stuff happens, had that talk with my folks by chance at 39. Mom is slowly getting close, I asked her yesterday if there was something new to add, answer was nope other than the obvious she loves me. Had that talk with my kids after my NDE. Both were pre 20, and since told them I’m proud of the adults they’ve became. Affirm those you love today.

    Most of us are men here. Your obituary…man up and write yours. If you haven’t had to do one before, it’s not fun trying to remember things under pressure. That’s inflicting undo stress on people you claim to love.

    I have a long document (a few dozen pages), if anyone wants a copy, of planning for wills to funeral and all points in between. Assets and financial isn’t all that needs attention. Power of attorney AND your desires fall over a myriad of things. Drop me a email here and I’ll get it to you. I experienced it with my dad 19 years ago, what a blessing knowing there was no “I wish I” was there on either party and document and plan wise it was clean, no drama.

    “Mama said” carries no weight in court. I’ve seen it wealthy and dirt poor. It is very common.

    The appropriateness of this coming up on this day of humble reflection. Jesus gives us HIS gift of grace. Jesus made it easy. Let us when our expiration date arrives make it easy on those we love.

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