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Thread: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

  1. #157

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    WHOA. Why is 2014 Baseball catching strays here?! The UNANIMOUS #1 team in the country, #1 HR hitting team in the country, a host of top offensive rankings nationally, a host of top pitching rankings nationally, host regional site, top 20 RPI, multiple All-Americans, 7 draft selections and 1 game shy of Omaha was overrated?!?!
    I was trying to figure out how to respond to it... haha

  2. Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by BabbForHeisman View Post
    Jay - I get the 3 championships in 13 years argument. But I think the bigger problem is the other 10 years. If you look at the non-championship years, he's a 0.500 basketball coach (0.536 if anyone wants to yell at me for not being precise). That's not a small sample size, that's 10 years.

    I'm not in the "fire Marlin today" camps, but if you can't look at it with the full lens of why people want him gone, you're ignoring a key point.
    I don't give a slim phuhck who the coach is. Three championships in 13 years is not enough. The same people making this argument are the same people that will tell you Marlin deserves a pass for the first 3 years of his tenure. They'll also tell you he took over a " ster fire."

    But those same people will turn a blind eye to Napier taking over a program on sanctions, with 30 fewer scholarships and a locker room in shambles over politics in the program. All he did was set school records for wins, beat the Fiesta Bowl champs, on the road, participate in the first 3 SBC Championship games and back to back ranked football seasons.

    Same people will turn a blind eye to Deggs taking over a program reeling from the loss of our decades long leader, 4 straight awful seasons, a roster with limited talented and a recruiting coordinator recruiting "his type" of players, of which most were flops. All he did was take us to our first regional in 5 years and had an eventual Omaha participants on the ropes, at their house, with an injured lineup and thin as single ply toilet tissue pitching staff, in his second full year.

    Same people will turn a blind eye to Glasco taking over a program in total disarray, with their former coach trying to burn down the program on the way out, players quitting the team, All-American talent transferring out and legal action swirling all over. No fall ball, no idea what was ahead, long time fans and donors bailing. All he did was win the conference, get into and compete in a regional, and build one of the most impressive transfer and HS recruiting classes in year ONE. He's continue to win championships and compete in regionals every since.

    You don't get a pass for the first 3 years. They all count. The fan girls don't get to rewrite history just because he did his job this year. We need to stay level headed here.

  3. #159

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    WHOA. Why is 2014 Baseball catching strays here?! The UNANIMOUS #1 team in the country, #1 HR hitting team in the country, a host of top offensive rankings nationally, a host of top pitching rankings nationally, host regional site, top 20 RPI, multiple All-Americans, 7 draft selections and 1 game shy of Omaha was overrated?!?!
    Yeah that post should have triggered some kind of insta block by the bots.

  4. #160

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLA View Post
    27 wins against a SOS that was #213 as of Selection Sunday that year. Average opponent RPI rank was 199. 24 wins were against Quad 3 and 4 teams. Forgive me for thinking that 27 wins against a soft schedule isn't something to brag about. He also only went 1-1 during the dreaded "3 games in March."

    And I have the same issue with those that brag about 2014 baseball season. We played a soft schedule that year too.
    You have a point in your first paragraph. In your second paragraph, you're a moron. Stick to basketball.

  5. #161

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLA View Post
    And I have the same issue with those that brag about 2014 baseball season. We played a soft schedule that year too.
    And we were also #1 in the country for most of the year, eliminated an SEC powerhouse who was the national runner-up the year before in a regional, and hosted a Super Regional.

    How in the world can you put these two seasons in the same stratosphere, let alone, the same post?

  6. #162

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    We finished 8th and had a losing conference record LAST YEAR

  7. #163

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    Made it to Super Regionals, though. Also took the series vs Alabama.

    Super Regionals is the comparison to Sweet 16. What Coach Marlin has done is basically gotten us to a Regional twice in thirteen years, and been one and done.

    At this point, if that’s the standard, instead of keeping him being one of the Top 3 paid coaches in the conference, why not take a flyer on some young, AAU connected dude with spunk?

    Offer a 150k base salary contract with good incentive layers for extra dough, like attendance and tournament appearances. Shovel a huge lump bonus to him (or her) for ONE freaking tournament win.
    Hud came in here and got the Dragon to roar. 30K attendance regular season. 40k NOLA.

    A young, hot shot coach that comes in here full of spit and vinegar, knocks off a couple of blue bloods and wins a game in the Tourney will have this place at Blackham level insanity.

    It would be glorious.

  8. #164

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by JayWalker View Post
    I don't think I'm ignoring anything. I'm well aware of the criticisms, shoot, this board is full of such.

    The question I asked referred to the poster who said he couldn't take us to the next level. I asked for a definition of next level. And, I'm betting I'm going to get many different answers.
    For starters, not averaging 6th place in the Sun Belt over a 4-year span and not telling your supporters the reason why we can't win is that we are not able to charter flights on road trips. In essence, lessening the "lull" years and the barrage of excuses that go with them.

  9. #165

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunRage View Post
    We finished 8th and had a losing conference record LAST YEAR
    bUt We MaDe It To tHe CoNfErEnCe ChAmPiOnShIp

  10. #166

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    WHOA. Why is 2014 Baseball catching strays here?! The UNANIMOUS #1 team in the country, #1 HR hitting team in the country, a host of top offensive rankings nationally, a host of top pitching rankings nationally, host regional site, top 20 RPI, multiple All-Americans, 7 draft selections and 1 game shy of Omaha was overrated?!?!
    So that Jay doesn't think I'm just hating on Marlin. Soft schedules are not cool when bragging about wins.

  11. Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by GeauxLA View Post
    So that Jay doesn't think I'm just hating on Marlin. Soft schedules are not cool when bragging about wins.
    Nothing soft about beating multiple top 15 programs in the same year. That's not a 'soft schedule' my friend.

  12. #168

    Default Re: Is Marlin the guy for the program?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunrunner View Post
    Made it to Super Regionals, though. Also took the series vs Alabama.

    Super Regionals is the comparison to Sweet 16. What Coach Marlin has done is basically gotten us to a Regional twice in thirteen years, and been one and done.

    At this point, if that’s the standard, instead of keeping him being one of the Top 3 paid coaches in the conference, why not take a flyer on some young, AAU connected dude with spunk?

    Offer a 150k base salary contract with good incentive layers for extra dough, like attendance and tournament appearances. Shovel a huge lump bonus to him (or her) for ONE freaking tournament win.
    I'm by no means am I a coach fan in any sport I'm a fan of Louisiana. IMO if you look at all our coaches in all sports whom has improved or impacted that sport. At best we are stagnant in several sport nothing more that we are used to doing.

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