Pay for shuttle bus from CF to downtown...$15 (,I think)...I recall it's split with UL
Pay for shuttle bus from CF to downtown...$15 (,I think)...I recall it's split with UL
The comment has sense been deleted, but at one point, this grifter stealing money from the University made the comment that the program "belongs to MH and not the public" (paraphrasing).
The "Our Town Our Team" marketing campaign just reminded me of something we struggle with here, more than most places. Lafman1 gives you a window into how these people think. As long as bureaucrats and university grifters have a strangle hold on our programs, we'll never expand our base properly. Athletics belongs to Alumni, Donors, residents, players, coaches, support personnel, students, etc. It belongs to Acadiana. "Our Town Our Team" personifies that idea. Don't accept anything less. The program is ours.
You can use my name all you want. The question is, who the hell are you? You want to talk down to people supplying the information. You want to talk down to people bringing facts to the table. You want to talk down to the people with the backbone enough to have the real conversations, publicly. Why don't we get some transparency from you? I have a good feeling I know who you are, or at least whom you're associated with. But I could be wrong. Why don't you set the record straight?
I've always said I am all for this, I am not going to hide behind a screen name. lafman1 step up. I'll be the first to start.
Dave Amato
U(s)L Class of 1993
Brother Martin Graduate Class of 1988
Grew up in Bucktown (Metairie, La)
Married for 16 years
Father of 2 beautiful daughters Riley 15 and Evie 2
Foster Dad (on our 3rd foster in the last year and one of the greatest things we have ever done).
Live in Lafayette now and as the McDonald's theme song says...."I'm lovin' it"
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