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There’s been a lot of talk about how much UL makes from the Mardi Gras festival. Here are the numbers.
I have all of the contracts for this year between the University and the Greater Southwest Louisiana Mardi Gras Association. There is a contract for rental of Blackham and French House exterior, and another contract for rental of Cajun Field parking lots.
1. Blackham Grounds and French House: total cost for the rental (minus security) is $7,224.00,
- Blackham Grounds Cost: $728 per day (regular $1,300 less 44 percent discount) for 9 days = $6,552
- French House Exterior Cost: $168 per day (regular $300 less 44 percent discount) for 4 days = $672.00
2: Cajun Field Parking Lots: total cost for rental of various lots (minus security) is $12,880.00. The cost per lot is $280 per day, which represents $500 less 44 percent discount.
- Feb. 12-14: only Lot 2
- Feb. 15-16: Lots 1, 2, and 3
- Feb. 17-21: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Lite Center
- Feb. 22: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
- Feb. 23: Lot 2 only
So total rental of space is $20,104. Additionally, the university takes 5 percent of the total parking revenue and 5 percent of the total RV parking revenue. The association hasn’t turned in the revenue statement yet but I have requested it be sent to me when it becomes available.
This does not include security, which is $70 per hour. There’s 22.5 security hours for Blackham/French House and 2,079 security hours for Cajun Field. Grand total for security = $147,105.