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Thread: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

  1. #133

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    I understand what you are saying.

    It being their business is being artificially withheld, but it most definitely should be made to feel it is their business.

    If the University doesn't figure out a way to make Dan's feel it is their business, "academic" donations will dry up.

    Fact: Athletic donors are the biggest academic donors.
    The $303 million raised so far in the campaign includes the two largest gift commitments in University history – $20 million from LHC Group to the College of Nursing and Allied Health Professions and $15 million from Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center for the renovation of Cajun Field. The University received both pledges this year.

  2. Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    The price tag is what the university and the customer agree on. It’s not anyone’s business what that price is, outside of the university and the customer. SOME people on here seem to think the University is valuing their own property too low. So what? It’s none of their business.
    It’s a public university. So yea, it is our business.

    No need to respond though. You’re clearly someone who has something to lose here. You’re either entrenched or actually work for the university.

  3. Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    Lord. You are inconvenienced at a baseball game.

    Just because the university is a state university and you are a taxpayer doesn’t make you have a voice in government run agencies. So, you think you have the right to have a say in LCG business dealings, the airport commission, education business, the BVD, Highway dealings, etc? They are all government agencies.
    They have public meetings and hearings for these things.

  4. #136

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    Do those dealings actively inconvenience the fan during university sponsored events?

    Not saying I should be in the meeting room, but I can definitely say that it's a bad deal.
    I was inconvenienced on my way to work by the students crossing the street on St. Mary Blvd. Do I have a say in that it’s a bad deal to have students crossing the street during business hours? Please.

  5. #137

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    I was inconvenienced on my way to work by the students crossing the street on St. Mary Blvd. Do I have a say in that it’s a bad deal to have students crossing the street during business hours? Please.
    You either work for the university, LCG, or you're just trolling.

    There's no way you're being serious right now.

    They're students attending the school! They're not some outside entity using university property for peanuts!!!

  6. #138

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    It’s a public university. So yea, it is our business.

    No need to respond though. You’re clearly someone who has something to lose here. You’re either entrenched or actually work for the university.
    What do I have to lose? So, how did your valuation meeting go? I sure hope you put the president of the university in his place.

  7. #139

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    You either work for the university, LCG, or you're just trolling.

    There's no way you're being serious right now.

    They're students attending the school! They're not some outside entity using university property for peanuts!!!
    I’m not the one comparing being inconvenienced at a baseball game to a government run/owned university.

  8. #140

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    You either work for the university, LCG, or you're just trolling.

    There's no way you're being serious right now.

    They're students attending the school! They're not some outside entity using university property for peanuts!!!
    Again. What the university and the customer decide on is NOT your business. How many times do I have to say it?

  9. #141

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    There’s been a lot of talk about how much UL makes from the Mardi Gras festival. Here are the numbers.

    I have all of the contracts for this year between the University and the Greater Southwest Louisiana Mardi Gras Association. There is a contract for rental of Blackham and French House exterior, and another contract for rental of Cajun Field parking lots.

    1. Blackham Grounds and French House: total cost for the rental (minus security) is $7,224.00,
    - Blackham Grounds Cost: $728 per day (regular $1,300 less 44 percent discount) for 9 days = $6,552
    - French House Exterior Cost: $168 per day (regular $300 less 44 percent discount) for 4 days = $672.00

    2: Cajun Field Parking Lots: total cost for rental of various lots (minus security) is $12,880.00. The cost per lot is $280 per day, which represents $500 less 44 percent discount.
    - Feb. 12-14: only Lot 2
    - Feb. 15-16: Lots 1, 2, and 3
    - Feb. 17-21: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Lite Center
    - Feb. 22: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5
    - Feb. 23: Lot 2 only

    So total rental of space is $20,104. Additionally, the university takes 5 percent of the total parking revenue and 5 percent of the total RV parking revenue. The association hasn’t turned in the revenue statement yet but I have requested it be sent to me when it becomes available.

    This does not include security, which is $70 per hour. There’s 22.5 security hours for Blackham/French House and 2,079 security hours for Cajun Field. Grand total for security = $147,105.
    I’m interested in how/where you obtained this information. Care to tell us?

  10. #142

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    I’m not the one comparing being inconvenienced at a baseball game to a government run/owned university.
    Right. The heck with the fans who are there for university sponsored events on university property. So what if they're inconvenienced?

    It's not just "being inconvenienced at a baseball game." You're putting together an event on university property that has absolutely nothing to do with the university during university sponsored events for barely any money. The Cajun Field parking lot is not built for Car Shows or Mardi Gras parades. They're built for UL events. In the instance that a car show or Mardi Gras wants to use the property, you create value and charge a decent fee instead of what we are charging now.

    It's not rocket science.

  11. #143

    Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    Again. What the university and the customer decide on is NOT your business. How many times do I have to say it?
    If I'm being inconvenienced as a paid customer to attend an event that is the basis for why the property exists, I have a right to know what's going on. It's called TRANSPARENCY. Why do you think council meetings exist? You think elected officials go, "what we and government contractors decide is NOT your business." That's why some of them get unseated some election time.

  12. Default Re: Mardi Gras at Cajun Field

    Quote Originally Posted by lafman1 View Post
    I’m interested in how/where you obtained this information. Care to tell us?
    More concerned about how the man got public information than making money for the university.


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