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Thread: CANCELED: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

  1. Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Cajunsmike View Post
    Both ULM games were on Thursday as well. I would have gone to both ULM and USM were they on Saturday. Note many of the folks who regularly follow the team on nearby road trips are driving.
    Pointed that out a month ago during the travel partner discussion. SBC screwed the pooch, 4 games that would have had a good weekend gate missed.

  2. Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    . . . isn’t it amazing how much and how often those in positions of authority screw the pooch . . .

  3. #39

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by ZoomZoom View Post
    Pointed that out a month ago during the travel partner discussion. SBC screwed the pooch, 4 games that would have had a good weekend gate missed.
    USM won 7 games last year. Nobody expected them to have the year they are having. I would assume that is why we got this type of scheduling.

  4. Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    . . . they still have to play games on Saturday . . . why not use drivability as a main factor for scheduling Saturday games when practical . . . 0 for 4 on the ones missed looks like that was not even a consideration . . .

  5. Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . can’t tell everyone how disappointed that our best and favorite school color failed us in this instance . . .
    And there's the rub, berth of these jobs leads to deciding on the 6th to do something on the 8th and decide on the 7th there was no interest.

    But really it's the weekday instead of the weekend where the rubber meets the road. ... err ... fails to meet the road.

  6. #42

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . isn’t it amazing how much and how often those in positions of authority screw the pooch . . .
    At least the pooch stays happy, but even the pooch is getting tired of being screwed. It’s getting old.

  7. Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Monday: 'hey let's'
    Tuesday: 'no interest '
    Wednesday: 'we cancel'
    Thursday: 'we tried'

  8. #44

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    Nice spin.
    i would say WOW, but since no tickets sold, the tires did not spin!

  9. #45

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    To be fair it is Thursday. It’s a shame the conference is making us play both of the USM games on Thursdays as they should be on Saturdays. Not everyone can get away like that. I’m sure we could have filled two buses if it was on Saturday.

    I was one of the people that had to wait last minute to see if some things could work in order to go. I didn’t purchase a ticket through the alumni association but I am now able to go so we will be driving up tomorrow afternoon.

    I agree, if it were Saturday, we would have 6, maybe 8 going. I just can't do it today.

  10. #46

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Seems the conferences concern in scheduling are based on travel (and travel costs) of the team, not the fans.

    However from a fan view if you put the USMs and the ULMs distanced games there is a chance a fan could make it on a weeknight, whereas the georgias, troys, etc, cannot. but coukd on a weekend. So every game has a chance, moving the usm’s and ulm’s to weekend give less games a chance but make it easier for those, so a higher attendance at less games? sounds like another chicken and egg.

    regardless the team likely saves money and misses less school this way.

  11. #47

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    One bright spot that has happened fairly recently (and I am supposing as I don't know for certain), is that the AA has access to university busses (new/newer) for these trips now. That means they do not have to obligate to bus(es) with a company two weeks in advance.

    That is shown here; they offered the trip the week of (thanks do go out to * Marlin for instigating this) and did not have to plop $1500 (or whatever it is) for a bus, then find out it couldn't be filled. This is very good news for us buss riders in the future!

  12. #48

    Default Re: Alumni Association Bus Trip to USM Basketball Game

    Did they tell the 7 that bought bus tickets that it was cancelled, in case they arent on RP.

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