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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    Rodeo fans aren’t like the casual UL fan. Merch, restroom, & beer booth all in that small area. If a casual UL fan had to navigate that, we wouldn’t see them at another UL event for 20 years.

    Stop the madness of thinking this is a good idea. People want Blackham for nostalgia. It’s not a basketball arena and won’t be in the future.
    Except, it is a basketball arena and was one for decades. Nostalgia = people. Emotional connection = attendance. Small venue = atmosphere. Atmosphere = return customers.

    It's not "madness" just because you can't understand these things.

  2. #38

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Ideally, of course a new arena would be awesome. But I have to say, there's something about sitting in that building and feeling the history (the only real history this program has outside of a brief period in the diamond sports) and the ghosts of Cajun basketball greats... So many great programs still play in field houses. It just feels important.

    The Cajun Dome feels like a morgue. Cacophonous. Empty. Sterile.

    I think it would be an overnight success.
    Agreed, the dome sucks all the energy out of a UL basketball game.

    I went to the Evansville game a few years ago and the energy was amazing. I can only imagine back when the seats went all the way down to the court with the students on top of the opposing team, the home court advantage must have been crazy!

  3. #39

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Except, it is a basketball arena and was one for decades. Nostalgia = people. Emotional connection = attendance. Small venue = atmosphere. Atmosphere = return customers.

    It's not "madness" just because you can't understand these things.
    You may be correct but many of the people who have fond memories of Blackham are dead. I don't think there will be any money spent on a empty   like Blackham when they have the Cajun Dome within a mile that sits empty most of the time. Kind of hard to justify that. On the other hand , if you want to write a my guest.

  4. #40

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Agreed, the dome sucks all the energy out of a UL basketball game.

    I went to the Evansville game a few years ago and the energy was amazing. I can only imagine back when the seats went all the way down to the court with the students on top of the opposing team, the home court advantage must have been crazy!
    And beers weren’t $13

    Blackham beers > dome foam

  5. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    but, but, but we had product on the field in CF for three straight years and . . .

  6. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Esqueleto View Post
    Agreed, the dome sucks all the energy out of a UL basketball game.

    I went to the Evansville game a few years ago and the energy was amazing. I can only imagine back when the seats went all the way down to the court with the students on top of the opposing team, the home court advantage must have been crazy!
    That Evansville game is the most memorable (which is a key word in this) HOME game in the last decade, IMO.

    Look at what a few bucks did in EK Long. That facility is awesome. Kept a lot of the historical touches, feels like it has decades of memories, but very chic, loud and energetic. We could do that in Blackham. Get the students back overnight. Fill that place with energy. Tell the stories of the 70s and 80s, in the building that it happened!

    It just makes too much sense. From an admin standpoint, much cheaper overhead, total control of schedule, total control of advertisement dollars, the ad campaign writes itself, and I'm sure there are other benefits.

  7. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    but, but, but we had product on the field in CF for three straight years and . . .
    Basketball and Football totally different things. Totally different fanbase.

  8. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by HelmutVII View Post
    You may be correct but many of the people who have fond memories of Blackham are dead. I don't think there will be any money spent on a empty   like Blackham when they have the Cajun Dome within a mile that sits empty most of the time. Kind of hard to justify that. On the other hand , if you want to write a my guest.
    True, but for 30 years, the basketball fanbase WAS the fanbase. I'd bet those people would return much faster in MBB than any other sport. Just a guest though.

    As far as funding, I'm well aware that the admin won't shift focus to basketball until they absolutely have to.

  9. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    They could hire BBoyd and poof, the basketball financial issues would disappear . . . sky is the limit . . .

  10. #46

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Except, it is a basketball arena and was one for decades. Nostalgia = people. Emotional connection = attendance. Small venue = atmosphere. Atmosphere = return customers.

    It's not "madness" just because you can't understand these things.
    I completely understand but renovating Blackham is a pipe dream. But continue rambling in the corner. I’m sure repeating the same arguments over & over make you feel good about yourself.

  11. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Their is as much chance of the renovation of Blackham as us going back to an independent.

    Can we just stop the madness on both of these discussions. It is not happening, unfortunately. We are going to be stuck with the Cajun Dome.

  12. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by cjr3888 View Post
    I completely understand but renovating Blackham is a pipe dream. But continue rambling in the corner. I’m sure repeating the same arguments over & over make you feel good about yourself.
    Feels better than fighting our football players.

    I will continue talking about it. That's how ideas become reality. Should it happen? Absolutely should. Will it ever happen? Probably not. But all it takes is for one business savvy person with influence to run with the idea and anything is possible.

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