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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. #277

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    . . . does the rodeo use ticketmaster . . . wasn’t the rodeo held in the Cajundome at times in the past . . .
    No, the rodeo had a different ticket vendor than ticketmaster...Rodeo has always been in trucks use CD, no barns for livestock at CD.

  2. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    so one says there are rodeos in the CD and one says no . . . who is correct . . .

  3. #279

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunVic View Post
    so one says there are rodeos in the CD and one says no . . . who is correct . . .
    Mid winter fair is at Blackham. And the southwest Louisiana black rodeo (believe it’s the actual name) is at Cajundome

  4. #280

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    This thread is great.
    How long until this thread gets moved to one of the other obscure boards here or gets cut and pasted beyond recognition?

  5. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by facelessjonmoon View Post
    How long until this thread gets moved to one of the other obscure boards here or gets cut and pasted beyond recognition?
    The only thing that gets cut and pasted are tangents on non-related subjects. Not sure why you would want to recognize that, but if you were looking for the tangent, I can understand the question.

    It will probably end up in the basketball folder after March Madness.

  6. #282

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Just fix the seating change to LED lights and paint the roof. Everything Blackham needs like concessions and more restrooms can be place in a building connected to Blackham. Something like the convention center being next to the C Dome. The walk would be shorter than going at the C Dome.

  7. #283

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The only thing that gets cut and pasted are tangents on non-related subjects. Not sure why you would want to recognize that, but if you were looking for the tangent, I can understand the question.

    It will probably end up in the basketball folder after March Madness.
    Gotcha . Thanks.

    I was just trying to better understand protocol. The definition of tangents seems to be pretty subjective

  8. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Lots of things are getting cut but not pasted here . . .

  9. #285

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Turbine View Post
    The only thing that gets cut and pasted are tangents on non-related subjects. Not sure why you would want to recognize that, but if you were looking for the tangent, I can understand the question.

    It will probably end up in the basketball folder after March Madness.
    Thanks for the work that you have to do to clean this board up.

  10. #286

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Haven't read this whole thread but as someone who went to many basketball games in the late 70's/early 80's I will chime in:
    1) Blackham was and still is a  . It is not even a true basketball arena.
    2) Part of the mystique of the building was because we were a legit top 50 team almost every year. The teams were good.
    3) There were always several must see games. USL and most of the state teams had NBA players on them. Malone and Dumars games were epic. Good teams traveled back then. The talent is no longer spread out like that.
    4) The CajunDome had to be built. College basketball was exploding in popularity after Magic/Bird. Everyone was building giant arenas. We were not going to compete nationally with our   and the city needed something bigger to attract concerts. Remember back then there was even talk of us hosting a regional since most 1&2nd round games were on college campuses.
    5) The CajunDome is poorly laid out. Again, it is not a true basketball arena. The ceiling is too high, the suites are too far away and the stands are too far from the court. I remember my Dad getting his 200 level seats in 1986 and how disappointed I was. Its definitely a sterile layout.
    6) The renovation is a big improvement, but the team is not as good and the sport is not as popular. I see a way for the team to be good again, but college basketball in the south is going to have a limited appeal.

    Going forward I think we would be foolish to renovate Blackham. The CajunDome is not why the team is mired in mediocrity and apathy. We need a dynamic young coach that can galvanize the team and the lafayette area.
    Our money needs to be spent on attracting better players. Instead of a 20MM renovation how about setting up payments for players? You can probably buy a good roster for 500-750k per year.
    Facility improvements need to be look at hard going forward. I think Cajun Field needs a refresh, but after that I would put all my resources into paying players and making the athlete areas(weight room/lockers/meeting space) top notch.

    I absolutely hate where college sports is going, but it is now about paying players to be relevant. The football season this year taught us that.

  11. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by MetryCajun View Post
    Haven't read this whole thread but as someone who went to many basketball games in the late 70's/early 80's I will chime in:
    1) Blackham was and still is a  . It is not even a true basketball arena.
    2) Part of the mystique of the building was because we were a legit top 50 team almost every year. The teams were good.
    3) There were always several must see games. USL and most of the state teams had NBA players on them. Malone and Dumars games were epic. Good teams traveled back then. The talent is no longer spread out like that.
    4) The CajunDome had to be built. College basketball was exploding in popularity after Magic/Bird. Everyone was building giant arenas. We were not going to compete nationally with our   and the city needed something bigger to attract concerts. Remember back then there was even talk of us hosting a regional since most 1&2nd round games were on college campuses.
    5) The CajunDome is poorly laid out. Again, it is not a true basketball arena. The ceiling is too high, the suites are too far away and the stands are too far from the court. I remember my Dad getting his 200 level seats in 1986 and how disappointed I was. Its definitely a sterile layout.
    6) The renovation is a big improvement, but the team is not as good and the sport is not as popular. I see a way for the team to be good again, but college basketball in the south is going to have a limited appeal.

    Going forward I think we would be foolish to renovate Blackham. The CajunDome is not why the team is mired in mediocrity and apathy. We need a dynamic young coach that can galvanize the team and the lafayette area.
    Our money needs to be spent on attracting better players. Instead of a 20MM renovation how about setting up payments for players? You can probably buy a good roster for 500-750k per year.
    Facility improvements need to be look at hard going forward. I think Cajun Field needs a refresh, but after that I would put all my resources into paying players and making the athlete areas(weight room/lockers/meeting space) top notch.

    I absolutely hate where college sports is going, but it is now about paying players to be relevant. The football season this year taught us that.
    Good points except low on 500-750k to buy a good basketball roster.

    Not sure of numbers but Kentucky has to get in the market or their fabled history will become just that. I’d bet numbers will leak out.

  12. UL 1984, 1999 . . . . Re: #RenovateBlackham

    I believe you have to form a non profit corporation whose purpose is to create NIL opportunities meaning non university money for the players.

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