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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Agreed. I don't know why people get so upset about discussing this.
    Culture of can't. DONT YOU DARE ASK QUESTIONS or put forth discussions about solving our problems! HATER

    What these people fail to realize is whether we do or don't renovate Blackham, the BIGGER picture (and real reason for even talking about this) is to spotlight the god awful deal MBB has with the CD, ticketmaster, concessions, etc.

    I didn't even start this thread. Turbine clipped it from another thread as a passing comment and it got this amount of attention. People that care about the health of our PROGRAM understand, we have a toxic situation with the CD and it needs to be addressed asap.

  2. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    I will go back to saying, I think we need to do something and get away from the Cajun Dome, I just don't know how this works in today's environment. I also don't think it is a or will be a huge priority while CF needs to be the main priority today!!!!!

    I think planning for a future with a 6K facility is and should be the long term objective.

  3. #195

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    I will go back to saying, I think we need to do something and get away from the Cajun Dome, I just don't know how this works in today's environment. I also don't think it is a or will be a huge priority while CF needs to be the main priority today!!!!!

    I think planning for a future with a 6K facility is and should be the long term objective.
    Very good post there Dave. Maybe thread title should be changed to Demo Blackham-Rebuild

  4. #196

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Did they demo and rebuild or build on new property, Demo aint free. Granted it is not 9 Million, but it does cost time, material and labor. So I would say you are close to 40 million at that point. Plus again, they did not start planning and building in 2022, it was probably before that they had some of the materials planned out. I stand by my cost an our products in 2022 went up well over 30% and we are a manufacturer, do you know what that is on the retail side?

    So as a manufacturer I sell to distributors, when I go up 30%, worst case distributors go up the exact amount (usually they try to get more). So if I went up 30%, good chance that distributor went up 35-40%. This was just from January of 2022 to December of 2022. I am not considering from 2016-2022 where we had significant, but not as much cost increase, probably about 10-15% during that time frame and we weren't the only ones going up. We manufacture products made from asphalt/petroleum based products. Metal products went up more than the asphalt products. Wood went crazy in 2022, but has settled back down higher than it was but lower than it got to.

    Everything is a minimum of 25-30% from last year right now.
    I'm just going off of their 2023 inflation adjustment listed in the article.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  5. #197

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    I fail to see how preparing for and discussing the future is a hindrance on the Cajun Field project today…

  6. #198

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    A question for you contractors. How can Cajun Field and Blackham be so not "up to code" and still be allowed to operate? Not questioning the reality. Just genuinely curious about the ins and outs of this.

  7. #199

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I'm entrenched in the position that CD is a cancer to our program and we need to find something, some way to change that. Blackham is our next best option. You keep finding ways to say it can't happen. I keep asking questions and looking for solutions. And yes, because YOU laid out several "reasons" why it can't happen, that is the end of the conversation. Get outta here. I gave a reasonable answer to each of your "reasons." There is absolutely nothing general about them. They are specific to your "reasons."

    "I've seen events run in there." Uhh, so? I'm sure most of us have. That makes you an expert on renovating the structure? My opinion is based on several conversations with people that have similar opinions on renovating Blackham. You literally have NO EVIDENCE to support anything you've stated here. Again, as I said to CJR, produce your cost analysis, your structural engineer reports, your code violations, etc., and I'll happily digress.
    I worked for the Mydbugs/Wildcatters in Blackham. I worked with the IceGators in blackham. I was part of a team that out on fundraisers at Blackham from 2011-2017. I know the building. It’s a  . It’s not a D1 arena. It just isn’t.

    Instead of saying hey, B has some good points, you do your best to shut any opposition down. GTFo. Because you’re entrenched. Like you usually are.

    Sorry we aren’t completely illogical super fans like you. Some people live in reality. We struggled to raise $8 million to get to $18 for the Tigue, which hosts events with 2-3x the attendance as MBB and with a larger fan base. And we struggle with CF renovation.

    But sure, let’s spend $20 mil (which I contend will not get you much, as supported by a general contractor opinion ). Great fiscal responsibility when you have a good building already. Not a great building. But good. Renovated.

  8. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    B, this is a discussion which only accepts comments in favor of those who believe they #knowitall . . . get in line . . .

  9. #201

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by Million$Mullet View Post
    And wrasslin! Can’t forget wrasslin!!

    I agree it would be great to play in the old building for nostalgic reason but that $20 million is not gonna get you anything close to what you need. It’s AT LEAST a $60 million project to get everything up to code, expansion of the building, offices, plumbing, electrical etc etc etc. Demo and rebuild is more cost efficient. It’s fun to think about but it’s not feasible. Sorry
    Did someone say wrasslin?

  10. #202

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    But sure, let’s spend $20 mil (which I contend will not get you much, as supported by a general contractor opinion ). Great fiscal responsibility when you have a good building already. Not a great building. But good. Renovated.
    The contract with the "good building" we have is anything but fiscally responsible.

  11. #203

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ULvictory View Post
    The contract with the "good building" we have is anything but fiscally responsible.
    How so? I’m ignorant.

  12. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    I worked for the Mydbugs/Wildcatters in Blackham. I worked with the IceGators in blackham. I was part of a team that out on fundraisers at Blackham from 2011-2017. I know the building. It’s a  . It’s not a D1 arena. It just isn’t.

    Instead of saying hey, B has some good points, you do your best to shut any opposition down. GTFo. Because you’re entrenched. Like you usually are.

    Sorry we aren’t completely illogical super fans like you. Some people live in reality. We struggled to raise $8 million to get to $18 for the Tigue, which hosts events with 2-3x the attendance as MBB and with a larger fan base. And we struggle with CF renovation.

    But sure, let’s spend $20 mil (which I contend will not get you much, as supported by a general contractor opinion ). Great fiscal responsibility when you have a good building already. Not a great building. But good. Renovated.
    1) This isn't about me. But you and morons like CJR always try to make it about me.
    2) We're back to "We can't raise the money so why even try."
    3) Being a licensed contractor means absolutely nothing. If you knew anything about the industry, you'd know that. There are way more incompetent GCs than there aren't.
    4) "Completely illogical super fans" don't spend almost 20 years  ing money, time and effort into promoting this program and finding solutions. Insecure ____s like you try to make these things personal because you want to be the smartest guy in the room and ever since you started rubbing elbows with Walker and the like, you've become even more insufferable.
    5) Until you mouth breathers show me data, you know absolutely nothing. I will hold out hope that there is legitimate alternative to the awful, money hemorrhaging relationship with the CD.
    6) It isn't a good building when it remains empty, controls schedule, stops us from making money off of ad revenue, gives us ____ for concessions at costs that chase away fans and is not suitable for a college basketball atmosphere. Every time those doors open, we are losing money. That isn't "a good building." It's a freaking noose.

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