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Thread: #RenovateBlackham

  1. #181

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    I'm going off of the reported attendance from last week. But you knew that already.

    I don't have to wait to pee at CF because it's also empty.

    Stop being a ____ing child.
    You’re just so entrenched in your position you can’t see reason. That, my friend, is childish. I laid out several reasons why it’s completely unfeasible and you spent a while coming up with generalized reasons why I’m wrong. Your opinion is based off of little actual evidence. I’ve actually seen events run in there. CJR is a contractor. But ignore us.

  2. #182

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    This is a fact...I don't know where MAT is coming up with 20 million, but their is zero chance of getting Blackham up to what it needs to be at 20 million. That number is at least double if not triple that in todays environment as M$M clearly pointed out. I sell building materials for a living, last year alone our products went up a minimum of 30%, that is one year over year, not going back 10 - 20 years.

    I guarantee we can not renovate it for less than 45 million and make it feasible.
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  3. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Gonzagas 6K seat arena cost 36 mil to build in 2023 costs. Not sure where the 45 mil figure comes from
    Dave has good info, so I'll consider his opinion over most others. Especially keyboard cowboy coach chris.

    But I find it really hard to believe that we're spending $60mm to renovate CF, but it's going to take $45 million to upgrade a much smaller, more intact structure like Blackham.

  4. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    Dave has good info, so I'll consider his opinion over most others. Especially keyboard cowboy coach chris.

    But I find it really hard to believe that we're spending $60mm to renovate CF, but it's going to take $45 million to upgrade a much smaller, more intact structure like Blackham.
    Renovation is often more costly than tare down and rebuild. No doubt I love the CD, but a new smaller facility at Blackham location could be a good thing.

  5. #185

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    I don't believe we are asking to renovate/rebuild the thing now. We are asking for a realization that the Dome is not the best option as a future home for Cajun Basketball, and that a renovated/rebuilt Blackham is.

    Like I said before, it would be enough right now for an official statement declaring that be released by Martin Hall.

    This would be a long range goal, but it should be a goal. We have many years to discuss the particulars of what this project would look like and cost.

    All we are saying is let's start the ball rolling, even if it's just words for now.

  6. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by LouisianaB View Post
    You’re just so entrenched in your position you can’t see reason. That, my friend, is childish. I laid out several reasons why it’s completely unfeasible and you spent a while coming up with generalized reasons why I’m wrong. Your opinion is based off of little actual evidence. I’ve actually seen events run in there. CJR is a contractor. But ignore us.
    I'm entrenched in the position that CD is a cancer to our program and we need to find something, some way to change that. Blackham is our next best option. You keep finding ways to say it can't happen. I keep asking questions and looking for solutions. And yes, because YOU laid out several "reasons" why it can't happen, that is the end of the conversation. Get outta here. I gave a reasonable answer to each of your "reasons." There is absolutely nothing general about them. They are specific to your "reasons."

    "I've seen events run in there." Uhh, so? I'm sure most of us have. That makes you an expert on renovating the structure? My opinion is based on several conversations with people that have similar opinions on renovating Blackham. You literally have NO EVIDENCE to support anything you've stated here. Again, as I said to CJR, produce your cost analysis, your structural engineer reports, your code violations, etc., and I'll happily digress.

  7. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by ManAboutTown View Post
    If you're trying to replicate the new Louisville arena (can't remember the name), sure. Now look, I'll admit that I'm not up on bulk material prices. I know that concrete is outrageous right now. No idea on steel.

    Any idea what they spent in EK Long?
    you are not trying to compare EKL which was an up to code building that needed a sprucing up to Blackham are you? If so that is not going to be a comparison that can be made, that is apples and orangutans.

  8. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't believe we are asking to renovate/rebuild the thing now. We are asking for a realization that the Dome is not the best option as a future home for Cajun Basketball, and that a renovated/rebuilt Blackham is.

    Like I said before, it would be enough right now for an official statement declaring that be released by Martin Hall.

    This would be a long range goal, but it should be a goal. We have many years to discuss the particulars of what this project would look like and cost.

    All we are saying is let's start the ball rolling, even if it's just words for now.

    This is exactly correct. Or, as I said to someone yesterday, play our games in there in the very short term while we raise awareness and start a capital campaign. The faster we can get out of the CD, the better for everyone involved.

  9. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    you are not trying to compare EKL which was an up to code building that needed a sprucing up to Blackham are you? If so that is not going to be a comparison that can be made, that is apples and orangutans.
    I'm asking for material costs purposes. I don't know much about that project. Not even sure what was actually done in there.

  10. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by JamesTheJeweler View Post
    Gonzagas 6K seat arena cost 36 mil to build in 2023 costs. Not sure where the 45 mil figure comes from
    Did they demo and rebuild or build on new property, Demo aint free. Granted it is not 9 Million, but it does cost time, material and labor. So I would say you are close to 40 million at that point. Plus again, they did not start planning and building in 2022, it was probably before that they had some of the materials planned out. I stand by my cost an our products in 2022 went up well over 30% and we are a manufacturer, do you know what that is on the retail side?

    So as a manufacturer I sell to distributors, when I go up 30%, worst case distributors go up the exact amount (usually they try to get more). So if I went up 30%, good chance that distributor went up 35-40%. This was just from January of 2022 to December of 2022. I am not considering from 2016-2022 where we had significant, but not as much cost increase, probably about 10-15% during that time frame and we weren't the only ones going up. We manufacture products made from asphalt/petroleum based products. Metal products went up more than the asphalt products. Wood went crazy in 2022, but has settled back down higher than it was but lower than it got to.

    Everything is a minimum of 25-30% from last year right now.

  11. Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by RaginDave View Post
    Did they demo and rebuild or build on new property, Demo aint free. Granted it is not 9 Million, but it does cost time, material and labor. So I would say you are close to 40 million at that point. Plus again, they did not start planning and building in 2022, it was probably before that they had some of the materials planned out. I stand by my cost an our products in 2022 went up well over 30% and we are a manufacturer, do you know what that is on the retail side?

    So as a manufacturer I sell to distributors, when I go up 30%, worst case distributors go up the exact amount (usually they try to get more). So if I went up 30%, good chance that distributor went up 35-40%. This was just from January of 2022 to December of 2022. I am not considering from 2016-2022 where we had significant, but not as much cost increase, probably about 10-15% during that time frame and we weren't the only ones going up. We manufacture products made from asphalt/petroleum based products. Metal products went up more than the asphalt products. Wood went crazy in 2022, but has settled back down higher than it was but lower than it got to.

    Everything is a minimum of 25-30% from last year right now.
    Fair enough. I'll change the hashtag to #RenovateBlackhamIn2026

  12. #192

    Default Re: #RenovateBlackham

    Quote Originally Posted by CajunNation View Post
    I don't believe we are asking to renovate/rebuild the thing now. We are asking for a realization that the Dome is not the best option as a future home for Cajun Basketball, and that a renovated/rebuilt Blackham is.

    Like I said before, it would be enough right now for an official statement declaring that be released by Martin Hall.

    This would be a long range goal, but it should be a goal. We have many years to discuss the particulars of what this project would look like and cost.

    All we are saying is let's start the ball rolling, even if it's just words for now.
    Agreed. I don't know why people get so upset about discussing this.

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